03286nam 22006491 450 991045142240332120211005041419.01-4725-6232-11-280-80072-097866108007281-84731-182-210.5040/9781472562326(CKB)1000000000338595(EBL)285411(OCoLC)476036813(SSID)ssj0000191424(PQKBManifestationID)12009847(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000191424(PQKBWorkID)10184146(PQKB)11513846(MiAaPQ)EBC1750723(Au-PeEL)EBL1750723(CaPaEBR)ebr10913745(CaONFJC)MIL80072(OCoLC)213500331(UtOrBLW)bpp09256503(MiAaPQ)EBC285411(Au-PeEL)EBL285411(EXLCZ)99100000000033859520140929d2001 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrLethe's law justice, law and ethics in reconciliation /edited by Emilios Christodoulidis and Scott Veitch1st ed.Oxford [England] ;Portland, Ore. :Hart Publishing,2001.1 online resource (252 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84113-109-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Half Title Page; Half Title verso; Title Page; Title verso; Contents; List of Contributors; Introduction; Part I. Criminal Law, Amnesty and Time; Part II. Justice Between Past and Future; Part III. Memory and the Ethics of Reconciliation; Index"This book offers a series of original essays by an international group of scholars whose work looks comparatively at law's attempts to deal with the past. Ranging from questions of criminal responsibility and amnesty to those of law's relation to time, memory, and the ethics of reconciliation, it is a sustained jurisprudential and philosophical analysis of one of the most important and pressing legal concerns of our time. Among its key concerns is that justice's demand on law has changed and, in the face of a divided and violent past, law is being called on to do the kind of work it ordinarily shuns. What this means for conventional understandings of law, as well as for the relation between law and politics in times of transition, is explored through a discussion of experiences from Eastern Europe and Germany, to South Africa, Israel, and Australia. The book thus provides a timely investigation of the nature of law and legal institutions in times of political and social change, and will appeal to a broad international audience including lawyers, political theorists, criminologists, and philosophers."--Bloomsbury Publishing.Reconciliation (Law)Jurisprudence & philosophy of lawElectronic books.Reconciliation (Law)347/.09 Christodoulidis Emilios A.Veitch ScottUtOrBLWUtOrBLWBOOK9910451422403321Lethe's law2451476UNINA04777nam 22006734a 450 991078021490332120230617033704.01-135-64863-81-282-37460-597866123746091-4106-0778-X(CKB)111087027886874(EBL)335560(OCoLC)476149169(SSID)ssj0000097456(PQKBManifestationID)11122260(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000097456(PQKBWorkID)10116025(PQKB)11551857(MiAaPQ)EBC335560(Au-PeEL)EBL335560(CaPaEBR)ebr10227443(CaONFJC)MIL395459(EXLCZ)9911108702788687420030224d2003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior[electronic resource] theory, research, and practical implications /edited by Paul FlorsheimMahwah, N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates20031 online resource (419 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-415-64569-7 0-8058-3830-9 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Front Cover; Adolescent Romantic Relationsand Sexual Behavior; Copyright Page; Contents; Introduction: Paul Florsheim; Contributors; Part I: Normative Perspectives on Romantic Relations and Sexual Behavior Amomg Adolescents; 1. The Role of Romantic Relationships in Adolescent Development: Wyndol Furman and Laura Shaffer; 2. National Estimates of Adolescent Romantic Relationships: Karen Carver, Kara Joyner, and J. Richard Udry; 3. Biological Influences on Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Behavior: Carolyn Tucker Halpern4. Love Matters: Romantic Relationships Among Sexual-Minority Adolescents: Lisa M. Diamond5. Conflict and Negotiation in Adolescent Romantic Relationships: Shmuel Shulman; 6. Attachment Styles and Adolescent Sexuality: Jessica L.Tracy, Phillip R. Shaver, Austin W. Albino,and M. Lynne Cooper; Part II: Perspectives on Romantic and Sexual Behavior Among High-Risk Adolescents; 7. Psychopathology and Relational Dysfunction Among Adolescent Couples: The Structural Analysis of Social Behavior as an Organizing Framework: Trina Seefeldt, Paul Florsheim, and Lorna SmithBenjamin8. When Love Hurts: Depression and Adolescent Romantic Relationships: Deborah P. Welsh, Catherine M. Grello, and Melinda S.Harper9. Child Maltreatment, Adolescent Dating, and Adolescent Dating Violence: Christine Wekerle and Effie Avgoustis; 10. The Development of Aggression in Young Male/Female Couples: Deborah M. Capaldi and Deborah Gorman-Smith; 11. Health Behaviors and Reproductive Health Risk Within Adolescent Sexual Dyads: J. Dennis Fortenberry; 12. Romantic Relations Among Adolescent Parents: Paul Florsheim, David Moore, and Chuck Edgington; Part III: Commentary and Summary13. Are Adolescent Same-Sex Romantic Relationships on Our Radar Screen?: Ritch C.Savin-Williams14. A Marital Process Perspective of Adolescent Romantic Relationships: Amber Tabares and John Gottman; 15. The Joy of Romance: Healthy Adolescent Relationships as an Educational Agenda: Bonnie Barber and Jacquelynne Eccles; 16. Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Behavior: What We Know and Where We Go From Here: Paul Florsheim; Author Index; Subject IndexDevelopmental and clinical researchers have only just discovered the phenomenon of adolescent romance as a topic of serious scientific inquiry. This discovery may be related to the overwhelming evidence that adult romantic relationships are failing at alarming rates. Dramatic increases in the rates of divorce, out of wedlock childbirth, and relationship violence lead to questions about the developmental precursors of romantic love and commitment. What's wrong with love and can it be fixed? This book brings together a diverse group of experts from various disciplines to address a serioTeenagersSexual behaviorUnited StatesAdolescent psychologyUnited StatesInterpersonal relationsUnited StatesInterpersonal conflictUnited StatesTeenagersSexual behaviorAdolescent psychologyInterpersonal relationsInterpersonal conflict306.7/0835Florsheim Paul1557974MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780214903321Adolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior3822018UNINA