03271nam 22005894a 450 991078010660332120230207223126.00-415-86522-01-135-78787-51-280-19534-70-203-22063-3(CKB)111087026857092(StDuBDS)AH3704794(SSID)ssj0000081293(PQKBManifestationID)11120374(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000081293(PQKBWorkID)10106365(PQKB)10788392(MiAaPQ)EBC171834(Au-PeEL)EBL171834(CaPaEBR)ebr10101024(CaONFJC)MIL19534(OCoLC)475879434(EXLCZ)9911108702685709220020509d2002 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrEmerging lesbian voices from Japan[electronic resource] /Sharon ChalmersLondon ;New York RoutledgeCurzon20021 online resource (222p.) Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-7007-1702-1 0-203-29627-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. [158]-177) and index.Introduction: The Mirror Cracks Part I:Inside/Outside Circles of Silence Section 1: A Different Conversation Section 2: Lesbian (in)visability in Japan: past and present 2. Marking the 'lesbian' in Japanese society 3. Per-forming Bodies 4. What's in a Family? 5. Female Friendship: japanese lesbian culture(s) and communities Part II: Inside - Outside Circles of Silence Appendix AIn this academic exploration of contemporary lesbian sexuality in Japan Sharon Chalmers addresses a wide range of issues including compulsory heterosexuality, lesbian invisibility and notions of Japanese womanhood and the Japanese family.Lesbian Sexuality has remained largely ignored in Japan despite increasing exposure of disadvantaged minority groups, including gay men. This book is the first comprehensive academic exploration of contemporary lesbian sexuality in Japanese society. The author employs an interdisciplinary approach and this book will be of great value to those working or interested in the areas of Japanese, lesbian and gender studies as well as Japanese history, anthropology and cultural studies. Lesbian Sexuality has remained largely ignored in Japan despite increasing exposure of disadvantaged minority groups, including gay men. This book is the first comprehensive academic exploration of contemporary lesbian sexuality in Japanese society. The author employs an interdisciplinary approach and this book will be of great value to those working or interested in the areas of Japanese, lesbian and gender studies as well as Japanese history, anthropology and cultural studies.LesbiansJapanJapanSocial life and customsLesbians305.48/9664/0952Chalmers Sharon1957-1551216MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780106603321Emerging lesbian voices from Japan3810614UNINA