05681nam 2201225 a 450 991078007980332120230817224228.01-283-27704-297866132770460-520-92822-91-59734-904-610.1525/9780520928220(CKB)111056485642040(EBL)223473(OCoLC)475928052(SSID)ssj0000247867(PQKBManifestationID)11209025(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000247867(PQKBWorkID)10219449(PQKB)10208983(StDuBDS)EDZ0000056016(MiAaPQ)EBC223473(DE-B1597)519861(OCoLC)51821924(DE-B1597)9780520928220(Au-PeEL)EBL223473(CaPaEBR)ebr10051551(CaONFJC)MIL327704(EXLCZ)9911105648564204020011025h20022002 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSociety and individual in Renaissance Florence /edited by William J. ConnellBerkeley University of California Press2002©20021 online resource (xii, 453 pages)0-520-23254-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Acknowledgments --Abbreviations Of Archival Sources --Introduction --1. "Be Rather Loved Than Feared" Class Relations In Quattrocento Florence --2. Giannozzo And His Elders Alberti's Critique Of Renaissance Patriarchy --3. Li Emergenti Bisogni Matrimoniali In Renaissance Florence --4. Michele Del Giogante'S House Of Memory --5. Inheritance And Identity In Early Renaissance Florence The Estate Of Paliano Di Falco --6. Perceived Insults And Their Consequences Acciaiuoli, Neroni, And Medici Relationships In The 1460's --7. The War Of The Eight Saints In Florentine Memory And Oblivion --8. Naming A Nun Spiritual Exemplars And Corporate Identity In Florentine Convents, 1450 -1530 --9. The Prophet As Physician Of Souls Savonarola'S Manual For Confessors --10. Raging Against Priests In Italian Renaissance Verse --11. Liturgy For Nonliturgists A Glimpse At San Lorenzo --12. The Florentine Criminal Underworld The Underside Of The Renaissance --13. Lay Male Identity In The Institutions Of A Tuscan Provincial Town --14. Insiders And Outsiders The Changing Boundaries Of Exile --15. The Identity Of The Expatriate Florentines In Venice In The Late Fourteenth And Early Fifteenth Centuries --16. Clement Vii And The Crisis Of The Sack Of Rome --Contributors --IndexRenaissance Florence has often been described as the birthplace of modern individualism, as reflected in the individual genius of its great artists, scholars, and statesmen. The historical research of recent decades has instead shown that Florentines during the Renaissance remained enmeshed in relationships of family, neighborhood, guild, patronage, and religion that, from a twenty-first-century perspective, greatly limited the scope of individual thought and action. The sixteen essays in this volume expand the groundbreaking work of Gene Brucker, the historian in recent decades who has been most responsible for the discovery and exploration of these pre-modern qualities of the Florentine Renaissance. Exploring new approaches to the social world of Florentines during this fascinating era, the essays are arranged in three groups. The first deals with the exceptionally resilient and homogenous Florentine merchant elite, the true protagonist of much of Florentine history. The second considers Florentine religion and Florence's turbulent relations with the Church. The last group of essays looks at criminals, expatriates, and other outsiders to Florentine society.RenaissanceItalyFlorenceFlorence (Italy)Civilizationacciaiuoli.agnolo.art history.art.battista.benedetto.bologna.borgo san sepolcro.bruni.catasto.catholicism.church.ciompi.criminals.cultural history.duel.ethics.europe.expatriates.firenze.florence.guild.history.honor.individualism.inheritance.insults.italian renaissance.italy.liturgy.marriage.masculinity.medici.merchants.monasticism.neroni.nonfiction.nun.outsiders.patriarchy.patronage.priest.religion.renaissance.sack of rome.saints.social history.social order.underworld.war of the eight saints.Renaissance945/.51Connell William J266152MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910780079803321Society and individual in Renaissance Florence3775988UNINA01242nam0 22002771i 450 VAN0002903420240806100339.91488-435-5658-420041129d1998 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Architettura italiana, 1940-1959a cura di Michele CapobiancoNapoliElecta Napoli1998324 p.ill.24 cm.001VAN000290372001 ArQ. Architettura quaderniDipartimento di progettazione urbana, Università degli studi di Napoli207 Roma : Officina, 1989-210 v.ill. ; 29 cm215 Semestrale.NapoliVANL000005CapobiancoMicheleVANV023610Electa <editore>VANV113606650ITSOL20240906RICA/sebina/repository/catalogazione/documenti/29034.pdf29034.pdfBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALEIT-CE0107VAN01VAN00029034BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI ARCHITETTURA E DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE01PREST IBb297 01 52008 20131014 Architettura italiana351451UNICAMPANIA