02320oam 2200697zu 450 991013175190332120210807004839.0979-1-0923-1206-52-8218-1965-X10.4000/books.ifra.485(CKB)3460000000122314(SSID)ssj0000877584(PQKBManifestationID)12410823(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000877584(PQKBWorkID)10810932(PQKB)10874611(FrMaCLE)OB-ifra-485(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/41215(PPN)182829359(EXLCZ)99346000000012231420160829d1997 uy enguu||||||m||||txtccrThe architecture of fear : urban design and construction response to urban violence in Lagos, NigeriaIFRA-Nigeria1997[Place of publication not identified]IFRA19971 online resource (xii-140 p.) Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph978-2015-57-1 Crime prevention and architectural designNigeriaLagosFear of crimeNigeriaLagosCrime preventionNigeriaLagosBurglary protectionNigeriaLagosViolenceLagosNigeriaSocial Welfare & Social WorkHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCCriminology, Penology & Juvenile DelinquencyHILCCcambriolageviolence urbaineLagosUrban DesignNigeriacriminalitéviolenceCrime prevention and architectural designFear of crimeCrime preventionBurglary protectionViolenceSocial Welfare & Social WorkSocial SciencesCriminology, Penology & Juvenile DelinquencyAgbola T951634PQKBBOOK9910131751903321The architecture of fear : urban design and construction response to urban violence in Lagos, Nigeria2151354UNINA05223nam 2201093Ic 450 991077988550332120240129154026.00-520-27634-50-520-95667-210.1525/9780520956674(CKB)2550000001096004(EBL)1249496(OCoLC)851695518(SSID)ssj0000917011(PQKBManifestationID)12438452(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000917011(PQKBWorkID)10877570(PQKB)11144249(MiAaPQ)EBC1249496(DE-B1597)518994(OCoLC)856525500(DE-B1597)9780520956674(Au-PeEL)EBL1249496(CaPaEBR)ebr10729561(CaONFJC)MIL502579(EXLCZ)99255000000109600420121119d2013 uy 0engurmn#|||||a||txtccrThe noodle narratives[electronic resource]the global rise of an industrial food into the twenty-first century /Frederick Errington, Tatsuro Fujikura, and Deborah GewertzBerkeleyUniversity of California Press20131 online resource (211 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-520-27633-7 1-299-71328-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Illustrations and Table --Acknowledgments --Introduction: Instant Noodles as Quotidian and Ubiquitous --1. The Taste of Something Good --2. Japanese Instant Noodles in the Market and on the Mind --3. What Instant Noodles Reflect and Affect in America --4. Instant Noodles for the Bottom of the Pyramid in Papua New Guinea --5. Making (and Unmaking?) a Big Food World --Conclusion: Big Food for a Huge Population? --Notes --References --IndexTasty, convenient, and cheap, instant noodles are one of the most remarkable industrial foods ever. Consumed around the world by millions, they appeal to young and old, affluent and impoverished alike. The authors examine the history, manufacturing, marketing, and consumption of instant noodles. By focusing on three specific markets, they reveal various ways in which these noodles enable diverse populations to manage their lives. The first market is in Japan, where instant noodles have facilitated a major transformation of post-war society, while undergoing a seemingly endless tweaking in flavors, toppings, and packaging in order to entice consumers. The second is in the United States, where instant noodles have become important to many groups including college students, their nostalgic parents, and prison inmates. The authors also take note of "heavy users," a category of the chronically hard-pressed targeted by U.S. purveyors. The third is in Papua New Guinea, where instant noodles arrived only recently and are providing cheap food options to the urban poor, all the while transforming them into aspiring consumers. Finally, this study examines the global "Big Food" industry. As one of the food system's singular achievements, the phenomenon of instant noodles provides insight into the pros and cons of global capitalist provisioning.Noodles industrySocial aspectsJapanNoodles industrySocial aspectsUnited StatesNoodles industrySocial aspectsPapua New GuineaNoodlesSocial aspectsJapanNoodlesSocial aspectsUnited StatesNoodlesSocial aspectsPapua New Guinea21st century.anthropologists.asian foods.capitalism.cheap foods.consumers.cross cultural.cultural anthropology.demographic studies.diverse populations.food and culture.food consumption.food historians.food industry.food manufacturing.food marketing.food production.globalization.industrial food.instant noodles.japan.nonfiction.noodles.papua new guinea.postwar society.poverty.prison inmates.social science.united states.us purveyors.Noodles industrySocial aspectsNoodles industrySocial aspectsNoodles industrySocial aspectsNoodlesSocial aspectsNoodlesSocial aspectsNoodlesSocial aspects338.4/7664755Errington Frederick Karl1475388Tatsuro Fuzikura1502066Gewertz Deborah B.1948-1475387MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910779885503321The noodle narratives3729569UNINA