03726 am 2200553 n 450 9910495998603321202001232-84832-428-710.4000/books.apu.4313(CKB)5590000000007480(PPN)251071529(FrMaCLE)OB-apu-4313(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/87179(PPN)153384786(EXLCZ)99559000000000748020201124j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierVan der Meersch au plus près /Térèse BonteArras Artois Presses Université20201 online resource (264 p.) Études littéraires2-910663-90-6 Très au-delà de cette région du Nord dont il est l’écrivain emblématique, les romans de Maxence Van der Meersch ont été les livres-cultes de toute une génération dans l’entre-deux-guerres : La Maison dans la dune (1932), L’Empreinte du dieu (Prix Concourt 1936), Corps et Âmes (1943) connurent une fulgurante popularité – au meilleur sens du mot – avant une éclipse tout aussi soudaine. Mais, au-delà des légendes, des mineurs, des cabales et des controverses – au-delà des silences, surtout – qui entourent sa personne et son œuvre, Van der Meersch reste aujourd’hui encore très largement une énigme. C’est dans le secret de cet homme et de cette œuvre que nous emmène l’essai de Térèse Bonte, qui a partagé l’intimité familiale de l’écrivain et retrace ici, de façon enfin sûre, complète et précise, l’itinéraire biographique mais aussi intellectuel et spirituel de Van der Meersch, ainsi que la genèse de ses œuvres, de La Fille pauvre à La Petite Sainte Thérèse. De l’évocation du bébé Max à celle de l’écolier Vander, de l’étudiant au visage tout droit sorti d’un tableau de Vélasquez à l’amoureux de vingt ans, de l’avocat fragilisé par sa propre véhémence à l’agonisant dans le secret des dunes, une figure beaucoup plus complexe surgit alors, grave et ardente, entière et nuancée à la fois, à l’image de cette œuvre qu’on a trop vite démodée en la réduisant à sa charge « moraliste », à sa vision « manichéenne », ou en la reléguant au magasin de curiosités régionales, rayon « folklore et traditions du Nord »... Savoureusement reconstitués grâce à une enquête alimentée par des documents et témoignages de première main auxquels l’auteur a eu un accès privilégié, mais aussi par les souvenirs personnels puisés dans la saga familiale, c’est toute une époque, toute une histoire et tout un pays que fait revivre Térèse Bonte. À travers les évocations pittoresques ou pathétiques des scènes, des ambiances, des décors, des personnages et des épisodes les plus marquants de la vie et de…Literature, Romancebiographieromancierentre-deux-guerresœuvre littérairebiographieromancierentre-deux-guerresœuvre littéraireLiterature, Romancebiographieromancierentre-deux-guerresœuvre littéraireBonte Térèse1285908Barbier-Gossart Mary1300922Morzewski Christian1298719FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495998603321Van der Meersch au plus près3025679UNINA06431oam 2200661Ia 450 991077985570332120190503073414.00-262-31539-40-262-31538-6ebr10739589(CKB)2550000001106593(EBL)3339646(StDuBDS)EDZ0000174618(OCoLC)855019702(OCoLC)961595127(OCoLC)962699968(OCoLC)980449985(OCoLC)980762917(OCoLC)1003252779(OCoLC)1003510289(OCoLC)1055333442(OCoLC)1066591533(OCoLC)1081263862(OCoLC-P)855019702(MaCbMITP)9233(MiAaPQ)EBC3339646(EXLCZ)99255000000110659320130805d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdacontentrdamediardacarrierConstructing green the social structures of sustainability /edited by Rebecca L. Henn and Andrew J. HoffmanCambridge, Massachusetts The MIT Press20131 online resource (417 p.)Urban and industrial environmentsDescription based upon print version of record.0-262-51962-3 1-299-75707-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.""Contents""; ""Foreword: Integrating the Social into the Built Environment""; ""Notes""; ""References""; ""Chapter 1. Introduction""; ""Green Building Progress and Shifting Social Structures""; ""Constructing Green: Past and Future Research in Social Structures""; ""Constructing Green: Contributions of this Volume""; ""Conclusion""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""References""; ""Part I. Emerging Professions and Expertise""; ""Chapter 2. Building Expertise: Renovation as Professional Innovation""; ""Introduction""; ""A Socio-technical System of Professions Approach""""Toward a UK Low-Carbon Refurbishment Industry""""Conclusions and Next Steps""; ""References""; ""Chapter 3. LEED, Collaborative Rationality, and Green Building Public Policy""; ""Introduction""; ""Case 1: The Adam Joseph Lewis Center""; ""LEED Rating System""; ""Case 2: Chartwell School""; ""LEED as Public Policy""; ""Bureaucracy of the LEED Rating System""; ""Next Steps for LEED""; ""Conclusions and Directions for Future Research""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Notes""; ""References""; ""Chapter 4. Beyond Platinum: Making the Case for Titanium Buildings""; ""Introduction""""Green Construction and the Social Influence of Ratings""""Titanium: A New Category for Sustainable Building""; ""Titaniumâ€?s Three Elements""; ""Toward Titanium Certification: Issues of Implementation""; ""The Relationship between Building Titanium and Sustainable Cities""; ""Conclusion""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Notes""; ""References""; ""Part II. Market Structures and Strategies""; ""Chapter 5. Why Multinational Corporations Still Need to Keep It Local: Environment, Operations, and Ownership in the Hospitality Industry""; ""Introduction""; ""The U.S. Hospitality Industry""""Corporate Motivations to Adopt Sustainability""""Managerial and Policy Implications""; ""Conclusion""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""References""; ""Chapter 6. The Evolution of the Green Building Supply Industry: Entrepreneurial Entrants and Diversifying Incumbents""; ""Introduction""; ""How New Industries Evolve""; ""The U.S. Green Building Supply Industry""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""Chapter 7. Individual Projects as Portals for Mainstreaming Niche Innovations""; ""Introduction""; ""From Green Niches to Regime Change: The Role of Projects""""A Competition to Design and Construct a New Town Hall""""How Niche and Regime Influenced the Project""; ""Influences of Niche-Regime Interaction on Project Sustainability""; ""Conclusion: Projects as Portals for Mainstreaming Sustainable Construction""; ""Notes""; ""References""; ""Part III. Operational, Organizational, and Cultural Change""; ""Chapter 8. Empowering the Inhabitant: Communications Technologies, Responsive Interfaces, and Living in Sustainable Buildings""; ""Introduction""; ""The North House""; ""Conclusion: Prospects for Active Design Research""; ""Acknowledgments""""References"""Buildings are the nation's greatest energy consumers. Forty percent of all our energy is used for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering machines and devices in buildings. And despite decades of investment in green construction technologies, residential and commercial buildings remain stubbornly energy inefficient. This book looks beyond the technological and material aspects of green construction to examine the cultural, social, and organizational shifts that sustainable building requires, examining the fundamental challenge to centuries-long traditions in design and construction that green building represents. The contributors consider the changes associated with green building through a sociological and organizational lens. They discuss shifts in professional expertise created by new social concerns about green building, including evolving boundaries of professional jurisdictions; changing industry strategies and structures, including the roles of ownership, supply firms, and market niches; new operational, organizational, and cultural arrangements, including the mainstreaming of environmental concerns; narratives and frames that influence the perception of green building; and future directions for the theory and practice of sustainable construction. The essays offer uniquely multidisciplinary insights into the transformative potential of green building and the obstacles that must be overcome to make it the norm."--Provided by publisher.Urban and Industrial EnvironmentsSustainable developmentSocial responsibility of businessENVIRONMENT/GeneralARCHITECTURE/GeneralBUSINESS/ManagementSustainable development.Social responsibility of business.658.4/083Henn Rebecca L.1970-Hoffman Andrew J.1961-Biggart Nicole WoolseyOCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910779855703321Constructing green3736159UNINA