02827nam 22006253u 450 991077976500332120230120090627.00-19-999103-00-19-992069-9(CKB)2550000001064187(EBL)1220011(OCoLC)854973517(SSID)ssj0000915350(PQKBManifestationID)12393262(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000915350(PQKBWorkID)10868658(PQKB)10719154(MiAaPQ)EBC4701531(MiAaPQ)EBC1220011(EXLCZ)99255000000106418720140113d2013|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrBefore the Singing[electronic resource] Structuring Children's Choirs for SuccessOxford Oxford University Press, USA20131 online resource (576 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-19-992070-2 1-299-67434-8 Cover Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; Foreword; About the Companion Website; Introduction; 1 Getting Started; 2 Organizational Structure; 3 Beyond The Board; 4 Leadership Transition; 5 Finances; 6 Rehearsals And Parents; 7 Musical Matters; 8 Promotion And Fundraising; 9 Concerts; 10 Building Community; 11 Performing With Professionals; 12 Touring; 13 In The Words Of Others; 14 Suggested Treble Repertoire; Notes; Bibliography; IndexAll children must have an opportunity to share the joy of choral music participation - whether in school, church, or community choirs. What happens before the singing begins, is critical to supporting, sustaining, and nurturing choirs to give every child the opportunity to experience the wonder of choral singing. Based on years of experience conducting and teaching, Barbara Tagg brings a wealth of practical information about ways of organizing choirs. From classroom choirs, to mission statements, boards of directors, commissioning, auditioning, and repertoire, Before the Singing will inspire nChildren's choirsChildren's choirsMusicHILCCMusic, Dance, Drama & FilmHILCCMusic Instruction & StudyHILCCChildren's choirs.Children's choirsMusicMusic, Dance, Drama & FilmMusic Instruction & Study782.7782.7/145782.7145Tagg Barbara1490108AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910779765003321Before the Singing3711263UNINA