03829nam 2200757 a 450 991077972690332120230802010548.03-11-026179-010.1515/9783110261790(CKB)2550000001096599(EBL)893921(OCoLC)826479637(SSID)ssj0000823074(PQKBManifestationID)11482177(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000823074(PQKBWorkID)10760042(PQKB)10691886(MiAaPQ)EBC893921(DE-B1597)171937(OCoLC)1002251901(OCoLC)1004883704(OCoLC)1011469941(OCoLC)828738628(OCoLC)979588822(OCoLC)984688083(OCoLC)987953200(OCoLC)992472406(OCoLC)999374200(DE-B1597)9783110261790(Au-PeEL)EBL893921(CaPaEBR)ebr10649273(CaONFJC)MIL503133(EXLCZ)99255000000109659920130201d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrProsody and meaning[electronic resource] /edited by Gorka Elordieta, Pilar PrietoBerlin De Gruyter Mouton20121 online resource (390 p.)Interface Explorations [IE] ;25Interface explorations,1861-4167 ;25Description based upon print version of record.3-11-026007-7 1-299-71882-5 Includes bibliographical references and index. Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- A multi-level approach to focus,phrasing and intonation in French / D'Imperio, Mariapaola / German, James / Michelas, Amandine -- Syntax-prosody mapping, topic-comment structure and stress-focus correspondence in Hungarian / Surányi, Balâzs / Ishihara, Shinichiro / Schubö, Fabian -- On the prosody of German wh-questions / Truckenbrodt, Hubert -- Referential and lexical givenness: Semantic, prosodic and cognitive aspects / Baumann, Stefan / Riester, Arndt -- A focus intonational morpheme in European Portuguese: Production and perception / Frota, Sónia -- Meanings, shades of meanings and prototypes of intonational categories / Gili Fivela, Barbara -- Information structural expectations in the perception of prosodic prominence / Bishop, Jason -- Can intonation contours be lexicalised? Implications for discourse meanings / Calhoun, Sasha / Schweitzer, Antje -- Prosody in context: The effect of sequential relationships between speaker turns / Wichmann, Anne -- Prosody in German Sign Language / Herrmann, Annika -- Subject indexBased on the Workshop on Prosody and Meaning in Barcelona on September 17-18, 2009, this volume brings together researchers working on issues of the prosodic encoding and expression of sentence-level meaning.The contributions to the book resultfroma vivid exchange ofresearch ideas and research methodologies on issues related to the relationship between prosody and meaning andfrom stimulating discussions and collaborative work between researchers coming from different perspectives.Interface explorations;25.Prosodic analysis (Linguistics)Information Structure.Prosody.Prosodic analysis (Linguistics)401.43EC 3080rvkElordieta Gorka1469029Prieto Pilar317569MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910779726903321Prosody and meaning3680427UNINA