03603nam 2200613 a 450 991077962200332120230717200138.01-61470-763-4(CKB)2550000001042531(EBL)3020330(SSID)ssj0000874408(PQKBManifestationID)12355282(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000874408(PQKBWorkID)10886676(PQKB)10771394(MiAaPQ)EBC3020330(Au-PeEL)EBL3020330(CaPaEBR)ebr10676617(OCoLC)829862243(EXLCZ)99255000000104253120110815d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrChronic diseases and medication adherence behaviors[electronic resource] psychological research in Ibero-American countries /Cirilo H. García Cadena, Rafael Ballester Arnal, Julio Alfonso Piña López, editorsHauppauge, N.Y. Nova Science Publishersc20121 online resource (248 p.)Health psychology research focusDescription based upon print version of record.1-61470-639-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Treatment adherence : a theoretical analysis / María José Méndez Martos ... [et al.] -- Treatment adherence in chronic kidney disease : a review of the literature / Carolina Santillán Torres Torija -- Chronic kidney disease : graft nephropathy multifactors / Nicolina Calvanese ... [et al.] -- Paradox in health services : arterial reactivity to medical consultation in normotensive persons / Angélica Riveros Rosas and Patricia Ortega-Andeane -- Analytic framework for the study of treatment adherence : results of research in Cuban hypertensive patients / Libertad de los Ángeles Martín Alfonso, Héctor Demetrio Bayarre Vea, and Jorge Amado Grau Ábalo -- Psychosocial factors, adherence treatment, and metabolic control in type 2 diabetic Chilean patients / Manuel Ortiz Parada, Eugenia Ortiz Parada, and Pablo Vera-Villaroel -- Socioeconomic trajectories across the life course and HIV/AIDS adherence behaviors among affected women / Marcela Arrivillaga Quintero, Michael W. Ross, and María Teresa Varela Arévalo -- Challenges to antiretroviral adherence : health beliefs, social support, and gender role in non-adherent men living with HIV in Puerto Rico / Karen Nieves-Lugo and José Toro-Alfonso -- Adherence to treatment in spanish HIV patients : psychological profile associated with adherence behavior / Rafael Ballester Arnal ... [et al.] -- Psychological and biological variables among HIV 100% adherent patients : a path analysis / Julio Alfonso Piña López ... [et al.].Health psychology research focus series.Medicine and psychologyChronic diseasesTreatmentPatient complianceHispanic AmericansPsychologyMedicine and psychology.Chronic diseasesTreatment.Patient compliance.Hispanic AmericansPsychology.362.196/89082García Cadena Cirilo Humberto927563Ballester Arnal Rafael1488353Piña López Julio Alfonso1488354MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910779622003321Chronic diseases and medication adherence behaviors3708603UNINA