03391 am 2200673 n 450 991055185220332120210601979-1-03-620370-110.4000/books.enseditions.25403(CKB)4100000012704640(FrMaCLE)OB-enseditions-25403(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/85317(PPN)26197680X(EXLCZ)99410000001270464020220310j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDans quelle mesure la philosophie est pratique Fichte, Hegel /Myriam Bienenstock, Michèle Crampe-CasnabetLyon ENS Éditions20211 online resource (263 p.) Theoria2-902126-70-0 Dans quelle mesure la philosophie est-elle pratique ? Formulée par Hegel dans ses tout premiers cours d’Iéna, au début du XIXe s., la question renvoie d’abord au débat bien connu sur la thèse, classiquement rapportée à Fichte, d’un primat du pratique : lorsque Fichte affirme que « tout est issu de l’agir et de l’agir du moi », revendique-t-il simplement le primat de la loi morale sur la raison théorique ? N’est-ce pas plutôt le rapport de la philosophie à la vie qu’il veut souligner, comme Hegel quelques années plus tard ? C’est le statut même de la philosophie pratique, placée par Fichte au fondement même du savoir, qui est en question dans ces débats. Ils sont d’une grande actualité : la philosophie pratique contemporaine se cherche en effet des ancêtres, des « pères fondateurs ». L’attention se porte sur Hegel, mais aussi, de plus en plus, sur Fichte, considéré comme l’un des fondateurs de la théorie dite de la « reconnaissance». Aux études de fond traitant de la philosophie pratique dans l’idéalisme allemand s’ajoutent ainsi, dans ce volume, plusieurs études consacrées à la théorie de la reconnaissance, au droit et à l’économie ; ainsi qu’un examen circonstancié des débats contemporains.Philosophyinterprétationcritiqueidéalisme allemandphilosophie pratiqueinterprétationcritiqueidéalisme allemandphilosophie pratiquePhilosophyinterprétationcritiqueidéalisme allemandphilosophie pratiqueBienenstock Myriam741964Bourgeois Bernard159158Cesa Claudio444593Fischbach Franck1294294Giassi Laurent1290788Goubet Jean-François1294295Horstmann Rolf-Peter155646Merle Jean-Christophe540187Siep Ludwig152088Thomas-Fogiel Isabelle148463Tosel André416786Waszek Norbert159759Bienenstock Myriam741964Crampe-Casnabet Michèle157738FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910551852203321Dans quelle mesure la philosophie est pratique3023101UNINA05195nam 2200781 a 450 991077946370332120220204195408.00-252-09371-21-283-99452-6(CKB)2550000000996664(EBL)3414198(SSID)ssj0000821523(PQKBManifestationID)12308592(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000821523(PQKBWorkID)10879663(PQKB)10336435(StDuBDS)EDZ0000340914(OCoLC)1097104384(OCoLC)826684900(OCoLC)842264811(OCoLC)923496862(OCoLC)961602652(OCoLC)962609373(OCoLC)966210405(OCoLC)988431298(OCoLC)991964400(OCoLC)1037911180(OCoLC)1038649059(OCoLC)1045505501(OCoLC)1055317942(OCoLC)1066660542(OCoLC)1081272525(OCoLC)1153550754(OCoLC)on1097104384(MdBmJHUP)muse25145(Au-PeEL)EBL3414198(CaPaEBR)ebr10651017(CaONFJC)MIL430702(OCoLC)923496862(MiAaPQ)EBC3414198(EXLCZ)99255000000099666420111115d2012 ub 0engur|||||||||||txtccrAfricans to Spanish America[electronic resource] expanding the diaspora /edited by Sherwin K. Bryant, Rachel Sarah O'Toole, Ben Vinson, IIIUrbana University of Illinois Press20121 online resource (290 p.)New Black studies seriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-252-08001-7 0-252-03663-8 Includes bibliographical references (p. [229]-262) and index.The Shape of a Diaspora : The Movement of Afro-Iberians to Colonial Spanish America / Leo Garofalo -- African Diasporic Ethnicity in Mexico City to 1650 / Frank "Trey" Proctor -- To Be Free and Lucumí : Ana de la Calle and Making African Diaspora Identities in Colonial Peru / Rachel Sarah O'Toole -- Between the Cross and the Sword : Religious Conquest and Maroon Legitimacy in Colonial Esmeraldas / Charles Beatty-Medina -- Finding Saints in an Alley : Afro-Mexicans in Early Eighteenth-Century Mexico City / Joan Cameron Bristol -- The Religious Servants of Lima, 1600-1700 / Nancy E. van Deusen -- Whitening Revisited : Nineteenth-Century Cuban Counterpoints / Karen Y. Morrison -- Tensions of Race, Gender, and Midwifery in Colonial Cuba / Michele B. Reid --The African American Experience in Comparative Perspective : The Current Question of the Debate / Herbert S. Klein."Exploring the connections between colonial Latin American historiography and the scholarship on the African Diaspora in the Spanish empires, Africans to Spanish America points to the continuities as well as disjunctures between the two fields of study. While a majority of the research on the colonial diaspora focuses on the Caribbean and Brazil, analysis of the regions of Mexico and the Andes open up new questions of community formation that incorporated Spanish legal strategies in secular and ecclesiastical institutions as well as articulations of multiple African identities. Therefore, it is critically important to expand the lens of the Diaspora framework that has come to shape so much of the recent scholarship on Africans in the Americas. Comprised of nine original essays, this volume is organized into three sections. Starting with voluntary and forced migrations across the Atlantic, Part I explores four distinct cases of identity construction that intersect with ongoing debates in African Diaspora scholarship regarding the models of continuity and creolization in the Americas. Part II interrogates how enslaved and free people employed their rights as Catholics to present themselves as civilized subjects, loyal Christians, and resisters to slavery. Part III asks how free people of color claimed categories of inclusion based on a identities of professional medical practitioners of "white" in transformative moments of the late colonial period"--Provided by publisher.New Black studies.Black peopleLatin AmericaHistoryBlack peopleRace identityLatin AmericaHistorySlaveryLatin AmericaHistorySlavery and the churchCatholic ChurchSlavery and the churchLatin AmericaAfrican diasporaLatin AmericaHistoryTo 1830Black peopleHistory.Black peopleRace identityHistory.SlaveryHistory.Slavery and the churchCatholic Church.Slavery and the churchAfrican diaspora.305.80098SOC056000HIS038000SOC002010bisacshBryant Sherwin K1472525O'Toole Rachel Sarah1472526Vinson BenIII.1472527MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910779463703321Africans to Spanish America3685354UNINA