04541oam 2200757I 450 991077935110332120230802005636.01-84977-679-21-280-87435-X1-136-52963-297866137156611-136-52962-4(CKB)2550000000111192(EBL)981787(OCoLC)798209458(SSID)ssj0000740968(PQKBManifestationID)12315658(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000740968(PQKBWorkID)10720180(PQKB)10932802(SSID)ssj0000737436(PQKBManifestationID)12315189(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000737436(PQKBWorkID)10788860(PQKB)11363833(MiAaPQ)EBC981787(Au-PeEL)EBL981787(CaPaEBR)ebr10592800(CaONFJC)MIL371566(OCoLC)801405128(EXLCZ)99255000000011119220180727h20122011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrFood, globalization and sustainability /by Peter Oosterveer and David A. SonnenfeldFirst edition.Boca Raton, FL :Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis,[2012].©2011.XIV, 282 sfigDescription based upon print version of record.1-84971-261-1 1-84971-260-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 269-270) and index.chapter 1 Introduction -- part Section I: Conceptual Background -- chapter 2 Globalization and Food Production and Consumption -- chapter 3 Sustainability and Food Production and Consumption -- chapter 4 Regulating Food in the Global Network Society -- part Section II: Case Studies -- chapter 5 Food Provisioning and Climate Change -- chapter 6 Local Food Provision -- chapter 7 Fair Trade: Buying and Selling Consumer Trust -- chapter 8 Sustainable Fish Provision -- part Section III: Future Perspectives -- chapter 9 Roles of Producers in Sustainable Food Provision -- chapter 10 Restructuring Food Supply: Supermarkets and Sustainability -- chapter 11 Consumer Involvement in Sustainable Food Provision -- chapter 12 Conclusion.Food is increasingly traded internationally, thereby transforming the organization of food production and consumption globally and influencing most food-related practices. This transition is generating unfamiliar challenges related to sustainability of food provision, the social impacts of international trade and global food governance. Distance in time and space between food producers and consumers is increasing and new concerns are arising. These include the environmental impact of food production and trade, animal welfare, the health and safety of food and the social and economic impact of international food trade. This book provides an overview of the principal conceptual frameworks that have been developed for understanding these changes. It shows how conventional regulation of food provision through sovereign national governments is becoming elusive, as the distinctions between domestic and international, and between public and private spheres, disappear. At the same time multi-national companies and supranational institutions put serious limits to governmental interventions. In this context, other social actors including food retailers and NGOs are shown to take up innovative roles in governing food provision, but their contribution to agro-food sustainability is under continuous scrutiny. The authors apply these themes in several detailed case studies, including organic, fair trade, local food and fish. On the basis of these cases, future developments are explored, with a focus on the respective roles of agricultural producers, retailers and consumers.Food consumptionFood industry and tradeSustainabilitySustainable agricultureFood consumption.Food industry and trade.Sustainability.Sustainable agriculture.338.19338.47664Oosterveer Peter1518106Sonnenfeld David AllanFlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910779351103321Food, globalization and sustainability3833737UNINA04534oam 2200949Mu 450 991063394960332120241107094450.0978661347988497814094952151409495213978131713666813171366679781315581897131558189297813171366511317136659978128347988212834798859781409429708140942970910.4324/9781315581897(CKB)2550000000087490(EBL)866362(OCoLC)775503694(SSID)ssj0000585092(PQKBManifestationID)12177529(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000585092(PQKBWorkID)10593071(PQKB)11370100(MiAaPQ)EBC866362(MiAaPQ)EBC4512954(OCoLC)950471714(ScCtBLL)790fd11b-d53f-4718-ab0d-a9367c86988c(OCoLC)1100542254(OCoLC-P)1100542254(FlBoTFG)9781315581897(MiAaPQ)EBC7245449(Au-PeEL)EBL7245449(OCoLC)1253416630(ODN)ODN0004136597(EXLCZ)99255000000008749020190309j20120228 uy engurun|||||||||txtccrFallgirlsAbingdon, UK Routledge20121 online resource (240 p.)Classical and contemporary social theoryFirst published 2012 by Ashgate Publishing.9781409429692 1409429695 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Contents; List of Abbreviations; List of Significant Personnel; Series Editor's Preface; Preface; Prologue: So What Really Happened at Abu Ghraib?; Defense Counsel's Opening Statements; 1 It was not Lucifer Achieved: Zimbardo, Women, and Abu Ghraib; Testimony of Major David DiNenna, U.S. Army, Sabrina Harman Courts-Martial; 3 The Abuse was Reported: Parsonian Gender Roles and Abu Ghraib Transfigurations; Evidence: Sabrina Harman's Letter to Kelly Bryant, Sabrina Harman Courts-Martial; 4 The Significance of Identity Simulacra and Gender HyperrealityTestimony of Stjepan G. Mestrovic, Expert Witness in Sociology, Sabrina Harman Courts-Martial5 The Fallgirls of Abu Ghraib: Feminist Analyses and the Importance of Context; 6 Conversations with Sabrina Harman, Summer 2007; Closing Statement of the Defense Counsel, Sabrina Harman Courts-Martial, Captain Patsy Takemura, May 17, 2005, Fort Hood, Texas; Sworn Statements; Bibliography; IndexFallgirls provides an analysis of the abuses that took place at Abu Ghraib in terms of social theory, gender and power, based on first-hand participant-observations of the courts-martials of Lynndie England and Sabrina Harman. This book examines the trials themselves, including interactions with soldiers and defense teams, documents pertaining to the courts-martials, US government reports and photographs from Abu Ghraib, in order to challenge the view that the abuses were carried out at the hands of a few rogue soldiers. With a keen focus on gender and sexuality as prominent aspects of the abuses themselves, as well as the ways in which they were portrayed and tried, Fallgirls engages with modern feminist thought and contemporary social theory in order to analyse the manner in which the abuses were framed, whilst also exploring the various lived realities of Abu Ghraib by both prisoners and soldiers alike.Classical and contemporary social theory.Women in warControl (Psychology)Women and warUnited StatesTortureIraqIraq War, 2003-2011Psychological aspectsPrisoners of warAbuse ofIraqFeminist theoryWomen in war.Control (Psychology)Women and warTortureIraq War, 2003-2011Psychological aspects.Prisoners of warAbuse ofFeminist theory.956.7044/37SOC028000bisacshCaldwell Ryan Ashleyaut1271545OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910633949603321Fallgirls2995325UNINA