04740oam 2200673I 450 991077902430332120230808210941.01-315-43163-71-315-43164-51-315-43165-31-61132-093-310.4324/9781315431659 (CKB)2550000000100307(EBL)911815(OCoLC)793166820(SSID)ssj0000688117(PQKBManifestationID)12268865(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000688117(PQKBWorkID)10762142(PQKB)10312871(SSID)ssj0000661591(PQKBManifestationID)12228628(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000661591(PQKBWorkID)10712257(PQKB)11718479(MiAaPQ)EBC911815(Au-PeEL)EBL911815(CaPaEBR)ebr10558886(CaONFJC)MIL932560(OCoLC)954006858(EXLCZ)99255000000010030720180706e20162012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrContemporary issues in California archaeology /Terry L. Jones, Jennifer E. Perry, editorsLondon ;New York :Routledge,2016.1 online resource (398 p.)First published 2012 by Left Coast Press, Inc.1-61132-091-7 1-61132-092-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Part I: Origins, environment, and ecology -- The archaeology of a goodly ilande / Terry L. Jones and Jennifer E. Perry -- A land by the sea / Jon M. Erlandson -- A land impacted? The Younger-Dryas Boundary (YDB) event in California / Terry L. Jones and Douglas J. Kennett -- A land of diversity: genetic insights into ancestral origins / John R. Johnson, Cara Monroe, Brian Kemp, and Joseph G. Lorenz -- A land of many people: population dynamics as context and catalyst / Kathleen L. Hull -- A land of many seasons: bioarchaeology and the medieval climatic anomaly hypothesis in Central California / Terry L. Jones and Al W. Schwitalla -- A land of work: foraging behavior and ecology / Brian F. Codding, Douglas W. Bird, and Terry L. Jones -- A land of prestige / William R. Hildebrandt and Kelly McGuire -- A land of fire: anthropogenic burning on the central coast of California / Rob Cuthrell, Chuck Striplen, Mark Hylkema, and Kent G. Lightfoot -- Part II: Social dimensions of the past -- A land of power: the materiality of wealth, knowledge, authority, and the supernatural / Lynn H. Gamble -- A land of violence / Mark W. Allen -- A land visited: reviewing the case for Polynesian contact in Southern California / Terry L. Jones and Kathryn A. Klar -- A land of style: a quantitative and cultural transmission approach to understanding Coso rock art / Jelmer W. Eerkens, Rebecca Dinkel, and Carol Ormsbee -- A land of vision and dreams / Tamara K. Whitley and David S. Whitley -- A land of boundaries / David W. Robinson, Michelle Wienhold, and Wendy Whitby -- A land of many genders / Daniel Murley and Sandra Hollimon -- A land of ethnogenesis: material culture, power, and identity / Barbara L. Voss -- A land of cultural pluralism: case studies from California's colonial frontiers / Tsim D Schneider, Sara L Gonzalez, Kent G. Lightfoot, Lee M. Panich and Matthew A Russell -- A land of inequality / Adrian Praetzellis and Mary Praetzellis -- A land of many archaeologists: archaeology with native Californians / Desireé Reneé Martinez -- A land of many perspectives / Jennifer E. Perry and Terry L. Jones.Recent archaeological research on California includes a greater diversity of models and approaches to the region's past, as older literature on the subject struggles to stay relevant. This comprehensive volume offers an in-depth look at the most recent theoretical and empirical developments in the field including key controversies relevant to the Golden State: coastal colonization, impacts of comets and drought cycles, systems of power, Polynesian contacts, and the role of indigenous peoples in the research process, among others. With a specific emphasis on those aspects of California's pIndians of North AmericaCaliforniaAntiquitiesCaliforniaAntiquitiesIndians of North AmericaAntiquities.979.4/01Jones Terry L1469785Perry Jennifer E1518077MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910779024303321Contemporary issues in California archaeology3755428UNINA