03583oam 2200721I 450 991077902230332120230802005008.01-136-62856-81-283-57815-897866138906030-203-80269-11-136-62857-610.4324/9780203802694 (CKB)2550000000100285(EBL)957451(OCoLC)818931277(SSID)ssj0000678778(PQKBManifestationID)11457548(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000678778(PQKBWorkID)10745541(PQKB)10415280(MiAaPQ)EBC957451(Au-PeEL)EBL957451(CaPaEBR)ebr10558676(CaONFJC)MIL389060(OCoLC)798533153(OCoLC)794669929(OCoLC)880336588(FINmELB)ELB138925(EXLCZ)99255000000010028520180706e20121974 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPower and authority in British universities /Graeme C. Moodie and Rowland EustaceLondon :Routledge,2012.1 online resource (252 p.)Routledge library editions: education ;81Originally published: London : George Allen & Unwin, 1974.1-138-00640-8 0-415-68512-5 Includes biblographical references.Front Cover; Power and Authority in British Universities; Copyright Page; Acknowledgements; Contents; Introduction; I. Universities as political systems; II. The development of modern university government; The Birth of the System; The Growth of Academic Rule 1900-70; III. The contemporary system in outline; Autonomy; Types of University; Government in the Unitary Group; Note on Terminology; IV. Taking academic decisions; The traditional Department and Faculty; School, Board of Study, and the 'new' Department; Senate; V. Court, council, and laymen; Court; CouncilNote on a Committee at the University of BirminghamVI. The vice-chancellor; VII. The bureaucracy; VIII. Budgeting and the allocation of resources; IX. Challenges to authority; The Student Challenge; The Challenge by Non-Professorial Staff; X. What kind of government?; Appendix: The university of warwick; Select Bibliography; IndexIn facing the question 'who runs the universities', the authors have carried out over a period of years an extensive programme of interviews, both formal and informal, as well as a detailed study of documents. Their findings are written up in the language of politics - in terms of power, authority, influence, regulation and decision making. The result is thus of value both to those with a practical interest in universities and to those with a more theoretical interest in politics or organisational behaviour.Routledge library editions.Education.Higher education and stateGreat BritainUniversities and collegesGreat BritainAdministrationHigher education and stateUniversities and collegesAdministration.372.72378.1010941Moodie Graeme C.321577Eustace Rowland1518059MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910779022303321Power and authority in British universities3755408UNINA