05437nam 22007093u 450 991077895730332120230725054359.01-283-43392-39786613433923981-4355-37-2(CKB)2550000000078935(EBL)840659(SSID)ssj0000644720(PQKBManifestationID)12201687(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000644720(PQKBWorkID)10679989(PQKB)11078065(WSP)00008184-vol25(MiAaPQ)EBC840659(EXLCZ)99255000000007893520140421d2011|||| u|| |engur|n|---|||||txtccrADVANCES IN GEOSCIENCES (A 6-VOLUME SET), 25[electronic resource] PLANETARY SCIENCE (PS)Singapore World Scientific Publishing Company20111 online resource (291 p.)Description based upon print version of record.981-4355-36-4 Includes bibliographical references.Editors; Reviewers; Preface; Preface to PS Volume; CONTENTS; Solar System Science with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey F. Yoshida, T. Terai, S. Urakawa, S. Abe, W.-H. Ip, S. Takahashi, T. Ito and HSC Solar System Science Group; 1. Introduction; 2. Survey Categories; 2.1. Wide survey; 2.2. Deep survey; 2.3. Ultra-deep survey; 2.4. Solar system survey; 2.4.1. Detection limit of SSSBs; 3. Summary; References; Pickup Ion Observations at Solar System Bodies Andrew Coates; 1. Introduction; 2. Ion Pickup at Comets; 2.1. Pitch angle scattering; 2.2. Energy diffusion2.3. Nongyrotropic distributions and weak comets3. Other Solar System Objects; 3.1. Mars; 3.2. Venus; 3.3. Mercury; 3.4. Io and the Jovian satellites; 3.5. Saturn system; 3.6. The moon; 3.7. Summary; 4. Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; The Exceed Mission Ichiro Yoshikawa, Kazuo Yoshioka, Go Murakami, Gentaro Ogawa, Munetaka Ueno, Atsushi Yamazaki, Kazunori Uemizu, Shingo Kameda, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Masato Kagitani, Naoki Terada and Yasumasa Kasaba; 1. Introduction; 2. Science Objectives; 3. Mission Scenario; 4. Instrumental Overview5. Expected Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and Exposure Time6. Summary; Acknowledgments; References; Slitless Spectroscopy of Small Solar System Bodies on a Dark Cloud Curtain F. Yoshida, M. Yagi, Y. Komiyama, F. Nakata, H. Furusawa, T. Ohno, S. Okamura and T. Nakamura; 1. Introduction; 2. Observational Strategy and Image Acquisition; 3. Detection of Moving Objects; 4. Grism Spectra; 5. Summary; ReferencesPlan for Observing Magnetospheres of Outer Planets by Using the EUV Spectrograph Onboard the Sprint-A/Exceed Mission Fuminori Tsuchiya, Masato Kagitani, Naoki Terada, Yasumasa Kasaba, Ichiro Yoshikawa, Go Murakami, Kouichi Sakai, Tatsuro Homma, Kazuo Yoshioka, Atsushi Yamazaki, Kazunori Uemizu, Tomoki Kimura and Munetaka Ueno1. Introduction; 2. Observation of Jupiter's Magnetosphere by the EXCEED Mission; 2.1. Overview of EXCEED mission; 2.2. Lessons learnt from the Cassini and Galileo observations; 3. Other Observation Targets; 4. Summary; Acknowledgments; ReferencesLunar Topography by Laser Ranging Instrument Onboard Chandrayaan-1 K. V. S. Bhaskar, J. A. Kamalakar, A. S. Laxmiprasad, V. L. N. Sridhar Raja, Adwaita Goswami, K. Ravi Kumar and K. Kalyani1. Introduction; 1.1. Mission overview; 1.2. LLRI instrument overview; 2. Science and Instrument Objectives; 2.1. Science objectives; 2.2. Instrument objectives; 3. LLRI Instrument Design; 3.1. Principle of operation; 3.2. Instrument; 3.2.1. Laser Transmitter; 3.2.2. Receiver optics; 3.2.3. Receiver electronics; 4. Data Processing; 5. Conclusions; Acknowledgments; ReferencesInvestigating Lunar Central Crater Peaks with the SIR-2 NIR Reflectance Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1 Urs Mall, Roberto Bugiolacchi, Megha Bhatt, Jean-Philippe Combe, Satadru Bhattacharya and Susan Mckenna-LawlorThis invaluable volume set of Advances in Geosciences continues the excellent tradition of the Asia-Oceania scientific community in providing the most up-to-date research results on a wide range of geosciences and environmental science. The information is vital to the understanding of the effects of climate change, extreme weathers on the most populated regions and fastest moving economies in the world. Besides, these volumes also highlight original papers from many prestigious research institutions which are conducting cutting edge studies in atmospheric physics, hydrological science and wateAstrophysicsEarth (Planet) -- SurfacePlanets -- GeologyGeologyHILCCEarth & Environmental SciencesHILCCGeology - GeneralHILCCAstrophysics.Earth (Planet) -- Surface.Planets -- Geology.GeologyEarth & Environmental SciencesGeology - General550559.9Bhardwaj Anil1472897Satake KenjiAU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910778957303321ADVANCES IN GEOSCIENCES (A 6-VOLUME SET), 253745284UNINA