02805 am 2200697 n 450 9910518205103321202011232-84867-801-110.4000/books.pufc.22364(CKB)4100000012394579(FrMaCLE)OB-pufc-22364(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86210(PPN)260399647(EXLCZ)99410000001239457920220117j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDompter Prométhée Technologies et socialismes à l’âge romantique (1820-1870) /François JarrigeBesançon Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté20201 online resource (288 p.) Les Cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux2-84867-560-8 Au XIXe siècle, les premiers penseurs et mouvements socialistes se sont enthousiasmés et inquiétés devant le déferlement des techniques annonçant la transformation du travail, l’accélération des transports ou la communication intégrale. Qu’il s’agisse des saint-simoniens, des fouriéristes ou des communistes, tous ont cherché à dompter le nouvel univers machinique pour le mettre au service de l’émancipation. Face aux ravages de la civilisation capitaliste, comment réguler les objets techniques ? Comment les mettre au service de la coopération et du progrès contre les appropriations indues et leurs potentiels destructeurs ? Ces questions toujours vives étaient déjà au cœur de leurs projets.EconomicsHistorysocialismeXIXe siècletechnologiehistoire intellectuellemachinismesocialismeXIXe siècletechnologiehistoire intellectuellemachinismeEconomicsHistorysocialismeXIXe siècletechnologiehistoire intellectuellemachinismeBouchet Thomas1275576Desmars Bernard1275580Frobert Ludovic951309Hilaire-Pérez Liliane1243538Jarrige François1275581Mertens Joost1302917Ribeill Georges1283322Siméon Ophélie878553Tresch John1329243Tribe Keith123243Jarrige François1275581FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910518205103321Dompter Prométhée3039356UNINA03886nam 2200709Ia 450 991077873020332120230421033703.01-61168-127-80-585-23093-5(CKB)111004365693464(EBL)1085000(OCoLC)843337048(SSID)ssj0000149181(PQKBManifestationID)11136666(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000149181(PQKBWorkID)10237650(PQKB)11273827(MiAaPQ)EBC1085000(OCoLC)532529283(MdBmJHUP)muse17309(Au-PeEL)EBL1085000(CaPaEBR)ebr10696031(CaONFJC)MIL489748(EXLCZ)9911100436569346419980511d1998 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEssay on the origin of languages and writings related to music[electronic resource] /Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; translated and edited by John T. ScottHanover [N.H.] University Press of New Englandc19981 online resource (657 p.)The collected writings of Rousseau ;vol. 7Description based upon print version of record.0-87451-839-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 515-603) and index.Cover; Half-title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; Chronology of Works in Volume 7; Introduction; Note on the Text; Plan Regarding New Signs for Music; Letter to the Mercure on a New System of Musical Notation; Dissertation on Modern Music; Letter on Italian and French Opera; Letter on "Omphale" (Grimm); Remarks on the Subject of the Letter by M. Grimm on "Omphale" (Raynal); Letter to M. Grimm on the Subject of the Remarks Added to His Letter on "Omphale"; "Notice" to Rinaldo da Capua's La Zingara; Letter from a Symphonist of the Royal Academy of Music to His Comrades in the OrchestraLetter on French MusicObservations on Our Instinct for Music and on Its Principle (Rameau); Articles from the Encyclopedia; Errors on Music in the Encyclopedia (Rameau); Continuation of the Errors on Music in the Encyclopedia (Rameau); On the Principle of Melody, or Response to the "Errors on Music"; Examination of Two Principles Advanced by M. Rameau in His Brochure Entitled: "Errors on Music in the Encyclopedia"; Essay on the Origin of Languages; Pronunciation; On Theatrical Imitation; The Levite of Ephraïm; Dictionary of MusicLetter to Mr. Burney and Fragments of Observations on Gluck's "Alceste"Extract from a Response by the Underlaborer to His Frontman Concerning a Piece from Gluck's "Orfeo"; Appendix: "EnWn, il est en ma puissance," from Lully's Armide; Notes; IndexRousseau's major works, available for the first time in a uniform English edition, continue with a work that situates Rousseau's linguistic and musical theory within his larger philosophical system.Collected Writings of RousseauLanguage and languagesOriginMusic and languageMusic18th centuryPhilosophy and aestheticsMusicFrance18th centuryHistory and criticismQuerelle des BouffonsLanguage and languagesOrigin.Music and language.MusicPhilosophy and aesthetics.MusicHistory and criticism.Querelle des Bouffons.780Rousseau Jean-Jacques1712-1778.132862Scott John T.1963-116320MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910778730203321Essay on the origin of languages and writings related to music3712238UNINA