03204nam 22006494a 450 991077869740332120200520144314.01-282-39794-X978661239794390-474-3259-210.1163/ej.9789004164451.I-482(CKB)1000000000821781(EBL)468030(OCoLC)593222478(SSID)ssj0000336423(PQKBManifestationID)11248698(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000336423(PQKBWorkID)10281930(PQKB)10580496(MiAaPQ)EBC468030(OCoLC)186976052(OCoLC)217989380(nllekb)BRILL9789047432593(Au-PeEL)EBL468030(CaPaEBR)ebr10363791(CaONFJC)MIL239794(PPN)184923522(EXLCZ)99100000000082178120080306d2008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA cumulative bibliography of medieval military history and technology[electronic resource] update 2003-2006 /by Kelly DeVriesLeiden ;Boston Brill20081 online resource (504 p.)History of warfare,1385-7827 ;v. 46Includes index.90-04-16445-6 Preliminary Materials /K. Devries -- Medieval military history and technology update 2006 /K. Devries -- Premodern military history bibliography new publications, 2003–2006 /K. Devries -- Index /K. Devries.This is the second update of A Cumulative Bibliography of Medieval Military History and Technology , which appeared in 2002. It is meant to do two things: to present references to works on medieval military history and technology not included in the first two volumes; and to present references to all books and articles published on medieval military history and technology from 2003 to 2006. These references are divided into the same categories as in the first two volumes and cover a chronological period of the same length, from late antiquity to 1648, again in order to present a more complete picture of influences on and from the Middle Ages. It also continues to cover the same geographical area as the first and second volume, in essence Europe and the Middle East, or, again, influences on and from this area. The languages of these bibliographical references reflect this geography.History of warfare ;v. 46.Military art and scienceHistoryMedieval, 500-1500BibliographyMilitary history, MedievalBibliographyMilitary art and scienceAutomationBibliographyMilitary art and scienceHistoryMilitary history, MedievalMilitary art and scienceAutomation016.35500940902DeVries Kelly1956-779268MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910778697403321Cumulative Bibliography of Medieval Military History and Technology1670833UNINA