05090nam 2200601Ia 450 991077815720332120230721031605.094-012-0412-81-4294-8114-510.1163/9789401204125(CKB)1000000000475324(EBL)556780(OCoLC)166147160(SSID)ssj0000099617(PQKBManifestationID)11122384(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000099617(PQKBWorkID)10014292(PQKB)11402240(MiAaPQ)EBC556780(OCoLC)166147160(OCoLC)712988685(OCoLC)748599495(OCoLC)764536529(OCoLC)842256719(OCoLC)961500189(OCoLC)962628428(OCoLC)966214876(OCoLC)988455573(OCoLC)992095121(nllekb)BRILL9789401204125(Au-PeEL)EBL556780(CaPaEBR)ebr10380520(EXLCZ)99100000000047532420070423d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAffaires de famille[electronic resource] the family in contemporary French culture and theory /edited by Marie-Claire Barnet and Edward WelchAmsterdam ;New York, N.Y. Rodopi20071 online resource (348 p.)Faux titre,0167-9392 ;29211 English, 7 French contributions.90-420-2170-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material -- The Law of Sacrifice: Race and the Family in Marie Ndiaye’s En famille and Papa doit manger /Michael Sheringham -- Figuring Out the Family: Family as Everyday Practice in Contemporary French Women’s Writing /Shirley-Ann Jordan -- Maudire, dire les maux ou chercher les mots pour dire? L’écriture du souvenir dans la fiction de Lorette Nobécourt /Nathalie Morello -- Dans la Pente du toit d’Anne-Marie Garat: élaboration, déconstruction du conte familial /Catherine Rodgers -- Coming out of the Family? Julien Green’s Jeunesse (1974), Hervé Guibert’s Mes Parents (1986) and Christophe Honoré’s L’Infamille (1997) /Owen Heathcote -- Ordinary Shameful Families: Annie Ernaux’s narratives of affiliation and (mis)alliance /Loraine Day -- La Famille autofictive de Sophie Calle, ou ‘Comment la fiction fait un trou dans le réel’ /Annie Richard -- Pascal Convert and the Family: History, Conflict and Creativity /Nigel Saint -- Le Nom du Père: la métaphore paternelle chez Lacan /Robert Silhol -- Horreur du noir: les nouveaux ‘enfants terribles’ du cinéma français /Philippe Met -- ‘Les enfants d’abord’: Home and alternative schooling in contemporary France. /Jane Walling -- Family Differences: Immigrant Maghrebi Families in Contemporary French Cinema /Carrie Tarr -- Girls on Film: Mothers, Sisters and Daughters in Contemporary French Cinema. /Fiona Handyside -- Où va le roman familial? Chaos de Coline Serreau (2001) /Georgiana Colvile -- Family Histories: Reproduction, Cloning and Incest in Louise Lambrichs /Kathryn Robson -- Family Tragedies: Child Death in Recent French Literature /Gill Rye -- La Famille (du cinéma) en désordre: Roudinesco and Contemporary French Cinema /Phil Powrie -- Scènes de (remue-)ménage: Les airs de famille de Valérie Mréjen /Marie-Claire Barnet -- Notes on Contributors -- Index.‘Famille, je vous ai (encore et toujours à l’esprit?), je vous aime un peu, beaucoup, ou je vous hais énormément?’ What are families like in contemporary France? And what begins to emerge when we consider them from the point of view of recent theoretical perspectives: (faulty) cohesion, (fake) coherence, (carefully planned or subversive) deconstruction, loss (of love, confidence or credibility), or, even (utter) chaos and (alarming) confusion? Which media revamp old stereotypes, generate alternative reinterpretations, and imply more ambiguous answers? What images, scenes or frames stand out in contemporary representations of the family? Uneasy contradictions and ambiguities emerge in this bilingual collection of approaches and genre studies. The family plot seems to thicken as family ties appear to loosen. Has ‘the family’ been lost from sight, or is it being reinvented in our collective imaginary? This book proposes a new series of perspectives and questions on an old and ‘familiar’ topic, exploring the state and status of the family in contemporary literature, culture, critical and psychoanalytic theory and sociology.Faux titre ;no. 292.FamiliesFranceFranceCivilization21st centuryFamilies306.850944Barnet Marie-Claire1566370Welch Edward1973-1475629MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910778157203321Affaires de famille3836820UNINA