01138nam2 2200265 i 450 SUN000923920071114120000.088-14-07945-5IT2000 382120020913d1999 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆ1: I ‰presupposti1983-1998Sebastiano CassarinoMilanoGiuffrè1999VI, 258 p.25 cm.001SUN00092402001 ˆIl ‰processo amministrativo nella legislazione e nella giurisprudenza. Aggiornamento dell'opera di raccolta e di sistemazione delle norme e della giurisprudenza sul processo amministrativoSebastiano Cassarino1210 MilanoGiuffrè215 v.25 cm.MilanoSUNL000284Cassarino, SebastianoSUNV007302230953GiuffrèSUNV001757650ITSOL20181231RICASUN0009239UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS IV.Ca.17 1 00 514 20021112 Presupposti65703UNICAMPANIA04144nam 2200997z- 450 991040408110332120231214132852.03-03928-960-8(CKB)4100000011302327(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/62774(EXLCZ)99410000001130232720202102d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierWitchcraft, Demonology and MagicMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (160 p.)3-03928-959-4 Witchcraft and magic are topics of enduring interest for many reasons. The main one lies in their extraordinary interdisciplinarity: anthropologists, folklorists, historians, and more have contributed to build a body of work of extreme variety and consistence. Of course, this also means that the subjects themselves are not easy to assess. In a very general way, we can define witchcraft as a supernatural means to cause harm, death, or misfortune, while magic also belongs to the field of supernatural, or at least esoteric knowledge, but can be used to less dangerous effects (e.g., divination and astrology). In Western civilization, however, the witch hunt has set a very peculiar perspective in which diabolical witchcraft, the invention of the Sabbat, the persecution of many thousands of (mostly) female and (sometimes) male presumed witches gave way to a phenomenon that is fundamentally different from traditional witchcraft. This Special Issue of Religions dedicated to Witchcraft, Demonology, and Magic features nine articles that deal with four different regions of Europe (England, Germany, Hungary, and Italy) between Late Medieval and Modern times in different contexts and social milieus. Far from pretending to offer a complete picture, they focus on some topics that are central to the research in those fields and fit well in the current “cumulative concept of Western witchcraft” that rules out all mono-causality theories, investigating a plurality of causes.magicdivinationreligious historyThomas HobbesBavariaclassical culturefolkloreCatholic reformdissolution of the monasteriesanimalsFranciscan and Dominican friarsEarly Modern Historyfriarsdemonic possessionTrierAdriaan Koerbaghgynecologybiblical exegesisFranconiamonasticismwitch-hunting in HungaryexorcismItalyconvent casesGermanymonkspopular beliefritual magicInquisitiondevilmediacounter-reformationinquisitionHoly OfficeEnglish reformationwitch trialsspellsFrancewitchcraftpopular/vernacular magic in Hungarywitchcraft and sorcery in HungaryWitchcraftfamiliarscounter-reformation Italytreasure huntingheresymedicinepriestslove magicSpainProtestant demonologysorcerysuperstitionwitch-hunting in Debrecen/Bihar countyCalvinist demonology in HungaryJesuitscensorshipwitch-huntsdemonologyMontesano Marinaauth166771BOOK9910404081103321Witchcraft, Demonology and Magic3035496UNINA04369nam 2200985Ia 450 991078331150332120230617024454.00-520-93863-11-59875-544-710.1525/9780520938632(CKB)1000000000030792(EBL)231928(OCoLC)475938395(SSID)ssj0000277835(PQKBManifestationID)11207632(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000277835(PQKBWorkID)10240777(PQKB)11387259(StDuBDS)EDZ0000055936(MiAaPQ)EBC231928(DE-B1597)519141(OCoLC)1110708980(DE-B1597)9780520938632(Au-PeEL)EBL231928(CaPaEBR)ebr10079956(OCoLC)437146304(EXLCZ)99100000000003079220041018d2005 ub 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrThe China mystique[electronic resource] Pearl S. Buck, Anna May Wong, Mayling Soong, and the transformation of American Orientalism /Karen J. LeongBerkeley, Calif. University of California Press20051 online resource (263 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-520-24423-0 0-520-24422-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Illustrations --1. Gendering American Orientalism --2. Pearl Sydenstricker Buck --3. Anna May Wong --4. Mayling Soong --5. Transforming American National Identity- The China Mystique --Notes --Bibliography --Acknowledgments --IndexThroughout the history of the United States, images of China have populated the American imagination. Always in flux, these images shift rapidly, as they did during the early decades of the twentieth century. In this erudite and original study, Karen J. Leong explores the gendering of American orientalism during the 1930's and 1940's. Focusing on three women who were popularly and publicly associated with China-Pearl S. Buck, Anna May Wong, and Mayling Soong-Leong shows how each negotiated what it meant to be American, Chinese American, and Chinese against the backdrop of changes in the United States as a national community and as an international power. The China Mystique illustrates how each of these women encountered the possibilities as well as the limitations of transnational status in attempting to shape her own opportunities. During these two decades, each woman enjoyed expanding visibility due to an increasingly global mass culture, rising nationalism in Asia, the emergence of the United States from the shadows of imperialism to world power, and the more assertive participation of women in civic and consumer culture.Pearl S. Buck, Anna May Wong, Mayling Soong, and the transformation of American OrientalismInternational relationsUnited StatesRelationsChinaChinaRelationsUnited States20th century.america.american culture.american history.american perspective.anna may wong.anthropology.asian nationalism.china.chinese americans.consumer culture.demographics.ethnographers.gender issues.globalism.globalization.historians.history of orientalism.international relations.mass culture.mayling soong.modern history.nonfiction study.orientalism.othering.pearl s buck.transnationalism.united states.women in america.International relations.305.48/8951073/0922Leong Karen J.1968-1467795MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910783311503321The China mystique3678622UNINA08590nam 2201897 a 450 991077813840332120200520144314.01-282-15727-297866121572711-4008-3011-710.1515/9781400830114(CKB)1000000000788392(EBL)457704(OCoLC)441714631(SSID)ssj0000145540(PQKBManifestationID)11158175(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000145540(PQKBWorkID)10157187(PQKB)11536684(DE-B1597)446543(OCoLC)979629198(DE-B1597)9781400830114(Au-PeEL)EBL457704(CaPaEBR)ebr10312571(CaONFJC)MIL215727(MiAaPQ)EBC457704(PPN)170267253(EXLCZ)99100000000078839220080821d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrElliptic partial differential equations and quasiconformal mappings in the plane[electronic resource] /Kari Astala, Tadeusz Iwaniec, and Gaven MartinCourse BookPrinceton Princeton University Pressc20091 online resource (696 p.)Princeton mathematical series ;48Description based upon print version of record.0-691-13777-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 647-670) and index. Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. A Background In Conformal Geometry -- Chapter 3. The Foundations Of Quasiconformal Mappings -- Chapter 4. Complex Potentials -- Chapter 5. The Measurable Riemann Mapping Theorem: The Existence Theory Of Quasiconformal Mappings -- Chapter 6. Parameterizing General Linear Elliptic Systems -- Chapter 7. The Concept Of Ellipticity -- Chapter 8. Solving General Nonlinear First-Order Elliptic Systems -- Chapter 9. Nonlinear Riemann Mapping Theorems -- Chapter 10. Conformal Deformations And Beltrami Systems -- Chapter 11. A Quasilinear Cauchy Problem -- Chapter 12. Holomorphic Motions -- Chapter 13. Higher Integrability -- Chapter 14. Lp-Theory Of Beltrami Operators -- Chapter 15. Schauder Estimates For Beltrami Operators -- Chapter 16. Applications To Partial Differential Equations -- Chapter 17. PDEs Not Of Divergence Type: Pucci'S Conjecture -- Chapter 18. Quasiconformal Methods In Impedance Tomography: Calderón's Problem -- Chapter 19. Integral Estimates For The Jacobian -- Chapter 20. Solving The Beltrami Equation: Degenerate Elliptic Case -- Chapter 21. Aspects Of The Calculus Of Variations -- Appendix: Elements Of Sobolev Theory And Function Spaces -- Basic Notation -- Bibliography -- IndexThis book explores the most recent developments in the theory of planar quasiconformal mappings with a particular focus on the interactions with partial differential equations and nonlinear analysis. It gives a thorough and modern approach to the classical theory and presents important and compelling applications across a spectrum of mathematics: dynamical systems, singular integral operators, inverse problems, the geometry of mappings, and the calculus of variations. It also gives an account of recent advances in harmonic analysis and their applications in the geometric theory of mappings. The book explains that the existence, regularity, and singular set structures for second-order divergence-type equations--the most important class of PDEs in applications--are determined by the mathematics underpinning the geometry, structure, and dimension of fractal sets; moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces; and conformal dynamical systems. These topics are inextricably linked by the theory of quasiconformal mappings. Further, the interplay between them allows the authors to extend classical results to more general settings for wider applicability, providing new and often optimal answers to questions of existence, regularity, and geometric properties of solutions to nonlinear systems in both elliptic and degenerate elliptic settings.Princeton mathematical series ;48.Differential equations, EllipticQuasiconformal mappingsAdjoint equation.Analytic function.Analytic proof.Banach space.Beltrami equation.Boundary value problem.Bounded mean oscillation.Calculus of variations.Cantor function.Cartesian product.Cauchy–Riemann equations.Central limit theorem.Characterization (mathematics).Complex analysis.Complex plane.Conformal geometry.Conformal map.Conjugate variables.Continuous function (set theory).Coordinate space.Degeneracy (mathematics).Differential equation.Directional derivative.Dirichlet integral.Dirichlet problem.Disk (mathematics).Distribution (mathematics).Elliptic operator.Elliptic partial differential equation.Equation.Equations of motion.Euler–Lagrange equation.Explicit formulae (L-function).Factorization.Fourier transform.Fubini's theorem.Geometric function theory.Geometric measure theory.Geometry.Harmonic conjugate.Harmonic function.Harmonic map.Harmonic measure.Hilbert transform.Holomorphic function.Homeomorphism.Hyperbolic geometry.Hyperbolic trigonometry.Invertible matrix.Jacobian matrix and determinant.Julia set.Lagrangian (field theory).Laplace's equation.Limit (mathematics).Linear differential equation.Linear equation.Linear fractional transformation.Linear map.Linearization.Lipschitz continuity.Locally integrable function.Lusin's theorem.Mathematical optimization.Mathematics.Maxima and minima.Maxwell's equations.Measure (mathematics).Metric space.Mirror symmetry (string theory).Moduli space.Modulus of continuity.Monodromy theorem.Monotonic function.Montel's theorem.Operator (physics).Operator theory.Partial derivative.Partial differential equation.Poisson formula.Polynomial.Quadratic function.Quasiconformal mapping.Quasiconvex function.Quasisymmetric function.Renormalization.Riemann sphere.Riemann surface.Riemannian geometry.Riesz transform.Riesz–Thorin theorem.Sign (mathematics).Sobolev space.Square-integrable function.Support (mathematics).Theorem.Two-dimensional space.Uniformization theorem.Upper half-plane.Variable (mathematics).Weyl's lemma (Laplace equation).Differential equations, Elliptic.Quasiconformal mappings.515/.93SK 560rvkAstala Kari1953-471671Iwaniec Tadeusz66901Martin Gaven44012MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910778138403321Elliptic partial differential equations and quasiconformal mappings in the plane803363UNINA