07172oam 2200733Ia 450 991077791590332120190503073349.00-262-30335-31-282-69421-997866126942190-262-25547-29786612694219(CKB)1000000000785398(EBL)3339037(SSID)ssj0000114557(PQKBManifestationID)11143097(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000114557(PQKBWorkID)10125188(PQKB)10361507(MiAaPQ)EBC3339037(OCoLC)435526704(OCoLC)646813871(OCoLC)692284178(OCoLC)764520161(OCoLC)816568646(OCoLC)923251188(OCoLC)961544177(OCoLC)962636574(OCoLC)966200340(OCoLC)988456481(OCoLC)992095324(OCoLC)1037937465(OCoLC)1038692939(OCoLC)1045484321(OCoLC)1055359017(OCoLC)1058054583(OCoLC)1066396171(OCoLC)1081190581(OCoLC-P)435526704(MaCbMITP)8087(Au-PeEL)EBL3339037(CaPaEBR)ebr10315976(CaONFJC)MIL269421(OCoLC)923251188(EXLCZ)99100000000078539820090902d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrBreakthrough communities sustainability and justice in the next American metropolis /edited by M. Paloma PavelCambridge, MA MIT Press©20091 online resource (489 p.)Urban and industrial environments. Sustainable metropolitan communities booksDescription based upon print version of record.0-262-51235-1 0-262-01268-5 Includes bibliographical references (p. [377]-395) and index.Series foreword / by Robert Gottlieb -- Foreword / by Carl Anthony -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Roots of the regional equity movement and the reinterpretation of metropolitan space -- Moving beyond apartheid in America's metro regions -- From bootstrap community development to regional equity / Cynthia M. Duncan -- Scaling up: regional equity and the revitalization of progressive politics / Angela Glover Blackwell and Manuel Pastor -- Reinterpreting metropolitan space as a strategy for social justice / John A. Powell -- Environment, transportation, and land use in the quest for racial justice -- The roots of environmental justice / Peggy M. Shepard and Kizzy, Charles-Guzman -- Addressing urban transportation equity in the United States / Robert D. Bullard -- Race, class, and real estate / Sheryll Cashin -- Geographic context, sustainability, and regional equity development and opportunity in small towns and rural communities / Cynthia M. Duncan and Priscilla Salant -- Katrina is everywhere: lessons from the Gulf Coast / Amy Liu and Bruce Katz -- Growing together, or growing apart? Central Labor Councils and Regional Equity (San Francisco Bay Area) / Amy Dean -- Breakthrough stories and strategies in the quest for regional equity -- Saying no to forces destroying the community -- Rekindling hope in Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio) / David Goldberg -- Closing the gaps: the national vacant properties campaign / Don Chen -- Neighbors building neighborhoods: community stewardship to revitalize mid-size cities (Rochester, New York) / Mayor William A. Johnson, Jr -- Transforming brownfield communities: the Naugatuck Valley Project (New England) / Kenneth Galdston -- Getting grounded in place, time, and community -- Community activism for creative rebuilding of neighborhoods (Chicago, Illinois) / Mary Nelson and Stephen McCullough -- Opportunity-based housing in Atlanta (Atlanta, Georgia) / Steve Lerner -- A regional approach to affordable housing / Hattie Dorsey -- Preserving Heirsa property in coastal South Carolina (Charleston, South Carolina) / Faith R. Rivers and Jennie Stephens -- Exploring new horizons: connecting local struggles to global and regional stories -- LAX rising (Los Angeles, California) / Danny Feingold -- Community benefits agreements: a strategy for renewing our cities / Greg Leroy -- Reshaping a region after September 11 (New York Metro Region) / Robert Yaro, Chris Jones, Petra Todorovich, and Nicolas Ronderos -- Faith-based organizing for metro equity in Detroit / Victoria Kovari -- Values, vision, and message: the spirit of metro equity / Greg Galluzzo, Mike Kruglik, and Rev. Cheryl Rivera -- Saying yes: framing regional collaborations to win -- Bridging the Bay: university/community collaborations (San Francisco Bay Area) / Manuel Pastor, Rachel Rosner, Juliet Ellis, and Elizabeth Tan -- Poor city, rich region: confronting poverty in Camden : from dependency to sustainability in Camden, New Jersey / Howard Gillette, Jr -- The "inside game": a reinvestment strategy / Jeremy Nowak -- The "outside game": can faith move mountain-less New Jersey? / David Rusk -- Farms to schools: promoting urban health, combating sprawl, and advancing community food systems (Southern California) / Robert Gottlieb, Mark Vallianatos, and Anupama Joshi -- Regional equity and the future of sustainable metropolitan communities -- Building the capacity of the regional equity movement -- Building the capacity of the regional equity movement / Angela Glover Blackwell and L. Benjamin Starrett -- Reaching out to new strategic partners -- Business, grassroots, and the regional agenda / Bart Harvey -- Measuring success: using metrics in support of regional equity / David Rusk -- Networking for social justice: the African American forum on race and regionalism / Deeohn Ferris -- Sharing the new story: regional equity and strategic media / Andrea Torrice and Ellen Schneider -- Uncovering global linkages for sustainable metropolitan communities -- Climate change and the quest for regional equity / Van Jones -- A global perspective: community-driven solutions to urban poverty / Celine Cruz and David Satterthwaite -- Beyond segregation, toward a shared vision of our regions / Myron Orfield -- Resources -- Bibliography -- Contributor bios -- Authors' organizations -- Index.Activists, analysts, and practitioners describe innovative strategies that promote healthy neighborhoods, fair housing, and accessible transportation throughout America's cities and suburbs.Urban and industrial environments.City planningUnited StatesUrban renewalUnited StatesCommunity development, UrbanUnited StatesCase studiesSustainable developmentUnited StatesSocial justiceUnited StatesENVIRONMENT/Environmental Politics & PolicyCity planningUrban renewalCommunity development, UrbanSustainable developmentSocial justice307.1/2160973Pavel M. Paloma1951-1535258OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910777915903321Breakthrough communities3783376UNINA