02798nam 22006251 450 991077765180332120230617035226.01-283-00934-X978661300934090-420-3300-21-4237-9143-610.1163/9789042033009(CKB)1000000000462477(EBL)556429(OCoLC)707067506(SSID)ssj0000099573(PQKBManifestationID)11990794(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000099573(PQKBWorkID)10009411(PQKB)10420378(MiAaPQ)EBC556429(Au-PeEL)EBL556429(CaPaEBR)ebr10380400(OCoLC)70867514(nllekb)BRILL9789042033009(EXLCZ)99100000000046247720210731d2005 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAesthetic Experience Beauty, Creativity, and the Search for the Ideal /George HagmanLeiden; Boston :BRILL,2005.1 online resource (176 p.)Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies ;5Description based upon print version of record.90-420-1856-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Carl ROTENBERG: Foreword -- Preface -- One: Introduction -- Two: Understanding Aesthetic Experience -- Three: The Development of Aesthetic Experience -- Four: Idealization and Aesthetic Experience -- Five: The Creative Process -- Six: The Sense of Beauty -- Seven: Ugliness -- Eight: The Sublime -- Nine: Festival -- References -- Subject Index -- Author Index."George Hagman looks anew at psychoanalytic ideas about art and beauty through the lens of current developmental psychology that recognizes the importance of attachment and affiliative motivational systems. In dialogue with theorists such as Freud, Ehrenzweig, Kris, Rank, Winnicott, Kohut, and many others, Hagman brings the psychoanalytic understanding of aesthetic experience into the 21st century. He amends and extends old concepts and offers a wealth of stimulating new ideas regarding the creative process, the ideal, beauty, ugliness, and -perhaps his most original contribution-the sublime.Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies ;5.Beauty, Creativity, and the Search for the IdealAestheticsPsychoanalysisAesthetics.Psychoanalysis.111.85Hagman George914725NL-LeKBNL-LeKBBOOK9910777651803321Aesthetic Experience3778117UNINA