06023nam 2200829 a 450 991082009100332120230124183943.097811185581881118558189978111860009211186000969781118600122111860012697812991874501299187455(CKB)2550000001005882(EBL)1124321(SSID)ssj0000832934(PQKBManifestationID)11465909(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000832934(PQKBWorkID)10918982(PQKB)10810509(Au-PeEL)EBL1124321(CaPaEBR)ebr10658441(CaONFJC)MIL449995(CaSebORM)9781118600092(MiAaPQ)EBC1124321(OCoLC)828298965(OCoLC)857718082(OCoLC)ocn857718082(EXLCZ)99255000000100588220090709d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCommunicating embedded systems software and design : formal methods /edited by Claude Jard, Olivier H. Roux1st editionLondon ISTE ;Hoboken, N.J. Wiley20101 online resource (275 p.)ISTEDescription based upon print version of record.9781848211438 1848211430 Includes bibliographical references and index.Cover; Communicating Embedded Systems; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1. Models for Real-Time Embedded Systems; 1.1. Introduction; 1.1.1. Model-checking and control problems; 1.1.2. Timed models; 1.2. Notations, languages and timed transition systems; 1.3. Timed models; 1.3.1. Timed Automata; 1.3.2. Time Petri nets; T-time Petri nets; Timed-arc petri nets; 1.3.3. Compared expressiveness of several classes of timed models; Bisimulation and expressiveness of timed models; Compared expressiveness of different classes of TPN1.3.3.3. Compared expressiveness of TA, TPN, and TAPN1.4. Models with stopwatches; 1.4.1. Formal models for scheduling aspects; Automata and scheduling; Time Petri nets and scheduling; 1.4.2. Stopwatch automata; 1.4.3. Scheduling time Petri nets; 1.4.4. Decidability results for stopwatch models; 1.5. Conclusion; 1.6. Bibliography; Chapter 2. Timed Model-Checking; 2.1. Introduction; 2.2. Timed models; 2.2.1. Timed transition system; 2.2.2. Timed automata; 2.2.3. Other models; 2.3. Timed logics; 2.3.1. Temporal logics CTL and LTL; 2.3.2. Timed extensions; Timed CTL2.3.2.2. Timed LTL2.4. Timed model-checking; 2.4.1. Model-checking LTL and CTL (untimed case); 2.4.2. Region automaton; 2.4.3. Model-checking TCTL; 2.4.4. Model-checking MTL; 2.4.5. Efficient model-checking; 2.4.6. Model-checking in practice; 2.5. Conclusion; 2.6. Bibliography; Chapter 3. Control of Timed Systems; 3.1. Introduction; 3.1.1. Verification of timed systems; 3.1.2. The controller synthesis problem; 3.1.3. From control to game; 3.1.4. Game objectives; 3.1.5. Varieties of untimed games; 3.2. Timed games; 3.2.1. Timed game automata; 3.2.2. Strategies and course of the game3.2.2.1. The course of a timed game3.2.2.2. Strategies; 3.3. Computation of winning states and strategies; 3.3.1. Controllable predecessors; 3.3.2. Symbolic operators; 3.3.3. Symbolic computation of winning states; 3.3.4. Synthesis of winning strategies; 3.4. Zeno strategies; 3.5. Implementability; 3.5.1. Hybrid automata; 3.5.2. On the existence of non-implementable continuous controllers; 3.5.3. Recent results and open problems; 3.6. Specification of control objectives; 3.7. Optimal control; 3.7.1. TA with costs; 3.7.2. Optimal cost in timed games; 3.7.3. Computation of the optimal cost3.7.4. Recent results and open problems3.8. Efficient algorithms for controller synthesis; 3.8.1. On-the-fly algorithms; 3.8.2. Recent results and open problems; 3.9. Partial observation; 3.10. Changing game rules...; 3.11. Bibliography; Chapter 4. Fault Diagnosis of Timed Systems; 4.1. Introduction; 4.2. Notations; 4.2.1. Timed words and timed languages; 4.2.2. Timed automata; 4.2.3. Region graph of a TA; 4.2.4. Product of TA; 4.2.5. Timed automata with faults; 4.3. Fault diagnosis problems; 4.3.1. Diagnoser; 4.3.2. The problems; 4.3.3. Necessary and sufficient condition for diagnosability4.4. Fault diagnosis for discrete event systemsThe increased complexity of embedded systems coupled with quick design cycles to accommodate faster time-to-market requires increased system design productivity that involves both model-based design and tool-supported methodologies. Formal methods are mathematically-based techniques and provide a clean framework in which to express requirements and models of the systems, taking into account discrete, stochastic and continuous (timed or hybrid) parameters with increasingly efficient tools. This book deals with these formal methods applied to communicating embedded systems by presenting the ISTEEmbedded computer systemsProgrammingEmbedded computer systemsDesign and constructionComputer softwareDevelopmentFormal methods (Computer science)Embedded computer systemsProgramming.Embedded computer systemsDesign and construction.Computer softwareDevelopment.Formal methods (Computer science)621.39/2Jard Claude1641049Roux Olivier H1641050MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910820091003321Communicating embedded systems3984916UNINA03671nam 22009255 450 991077616830332120240214230201.097835934470013593447002https://doi.org/10.12907/978-3-593-44700-1(CKB)5590000000441146600f03ba-56b4-4fe9-8433-76b2b0dd2d03(ScCtBLL)621c2445-2803-48c7-a0b5-6171c431ed0b(EXLCZ)99559000000044114620210818d2021 ||| |geruruuu---uuuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierKörper-Kränkungen Der menschliche Leib als Medium der Herabsetzung1. Aufl.Frankfurt/MainCampus Frankfurt / New York2021Online-Ressource (437 S.)PublicationDate: 202108189783593513393 3593513390 Biographical note: Uwe Israel ist Professor für Mittelalterliche Geschichte an der TU Dresden. Jürgen Müller ist Professor für Mittlere und Neuere Kunstgeschichte an der TU Dresden.Long description: Obwohl sich die natürliche Identität des menschlichen Körpers angesichts der Möglichkeiten technischer oder diskursiver Überformung zunehmend als Illusion erweist, bleibt er doch weiterhin Bezugspunkt und Ausdruck von Identitätsvorstellungen. Dabei kann der eigene Körper mit Gesten schmähend aktiv werden oder kann über vorgegebene Normen, denen er angeblich nicht entspricht, Erniedrigung erleiden. Ausgehend von solchen Überlegungen lotet dieser Band das invektive Potential des menschlichen Körpers aus historischer, gegenwartsbezogener und systematisch-konzeptueller Perspektive aus. Die Beiträge diskutieren Aspekte von Affizierbarkeit, Devianz und Geschlecht sowie Körpermetaphern, den pathologisierten Körper oder den Körper der Mächtigen. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0GenderBehinderunggndGesundheitgndRhetorikgndIdentitätgndKörpergndGeschlechtgndMenschgndStigmatisierunggndOpen AccessgndKörpergeschichtegndPolemikgndInvektivegndHerabsetzunggndGenderBehinderung.Gesundheit.Rhetorik.Identität.Körper.Geschlecht.Mensch.Stigmatisierung.Open Access.KörpergeschichtePolemik.Invektive.HerabsetzungBöhme Hartmut388690Kanzler Katja1559137Müller Jürgen1424920Przybilski Martin1541277Münkler Marina554851Fehlemann Silke1559138Jaser Christian1559139Bens Jonas918781Dröse Albrecht1559140Fangerau Heiner1559141Meister Jan1559142Sablotny Antje1559143Schankweiler Kerstin1559144Schwameis Christoph1434664Uppenkamp Bettina1559145Müller JürgenedtIsrael UweedtScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910776168303321Körper-Kränkungen3824017UNINA