03753nam 2200361z- 450 991022005280332120231214133332.0(CKB)3800000000216249(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/52069(EXLCZ)99380000000021624920202102d2016 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLuxR Solos are Becoming Major Players in Cell-Cell Communication in BacteriaFrontiers Media SA20161 electronic resource (122 p.)Frontiers Research Topics2-88919-917-7 The most common quorum sensing (QS) system in Gram-negative bacteria occurs via N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHLs) signals. An archetypical system consists of a LuxI-family protein synthesizing the AHL signal which binds at quorum concentrations to the cognate LuxR-family transcription factors which then control gene expression by binding to specific sequences in target gene promoters. QS LuxR-family proteins are approximately 250 amino acids long and made up of two domains; at the N-terminus there is an autoinducer-binding domain whereas the C-terminus contains a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix (HTH) domain. QS LuxRs display surprisingly low similarities (18-25%) even if they respond to structurally similar AHLs. 95% of LuxRs share 9 highly conserved amino acid residues; six of these are hydrophobic or aromatic and form the cavity of the AHL-binding domain and the remaining three are in the HTH domain. With only very few exceptions, the luxI/R cognate genes of AHL QS systems are located adjacent to each other. The sequencing of many bacterial genomes has revealed that many proteobacteria also possess LuxRs that do not have a cognate LuxI protein associated with them. These LuxRs have been called orphans and more recently solos. LuxR solos are widespread in proteobacterial species that possess a canonical complete AHL QS system as well as in species that do not. In many cases more than one LuxR solo is present in a bacterial genome. Scientists are beginning to investigate these solos. Are solos responding to AHL signals? If present in a bacterium which possesses a canonical AHL QS system are solos an integral part of the regulatory circuit? Are LuxR solos eavesdropping on AHLs produced by neighboring bacteria? Have they evolved to respond to different signals instead of AHLs, and are these signals endogenously produced or exogenously provided? Are they involved in interkingdom signaling by responding to eukaryotic signals? Recent studies have revealed that LuxR solos are involved in several mechanisms of cell-cell communication in bacteria implicating them in bacterial intraspecies and interspecies communication as well as in interkingdom signaling by responding to molecules produced by eukaryotes. LuxR solos are likely to become major players in signaling since they are widespread among proteobacterial genomes and because initial studies highlight their different roles in bacterial communication. This Research Topic allows scientists studying or interested in LuxR solos to report their data and/or express their hypotheses and thoughts on this important and currently understudied family of signaling proteins.LuxR solosQuorum SensingsignalingAHLBacteriaVittorio Venturiauth1332393Brian M.M. AhmerauthBOOK9910220052803321LuxR Solos are Becoming Major Players in Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria3040933UNINA03903 am 2200949 n 450 991076838370332120230101979-1-259-93139-910.4000/books.res.9742(CKB)5670000000616684(FrMaCLE)OB-res-9742(EXLCZ)99567000000061668420230215j|||||||| ||| 0itauu||||||m||||Agire sociale e natura umana /Axel Honneth, Hans JoasTorino Rosenberg & Sellier20231 online resource (264 p.) 979-1-259-93136-8 Nel 1980 Axel Honneth e Hans Joas pubblicano a quattro mani Soziales Handeln und menschliche Natur, un’opera di antropologia filosofica. Sulla scia dei movimenti femministi, ecologisti e controculturali, i due autori sfidano i consueti timori verso una ripresa del concetto di natura umana e riportano al centro del dibattito delle scienze sociali l’urgenza di ripensare l’essere umano alla luce della sua appartenenza alla natura e della sua relazione pratica con essa, cogliendone la creatività, il carattere significativo e l’intrinseca radice intersoggettiva. Attraverso la ricostruzione delle riflessioni antropologiche sviluppate da Feuerbach, dal marxismo, dall’antropologia filosofica tedesca, sino ad arrivare a Foucault e Habermas, Honneth e Joas dischiudono nuovi orizzonti di critica sulle società contemporanee. Questo nuovo volume della collana “La critica sociale” è la prima traduzione italiana di Soziales Handeln und menschliche Natur, a cura di Francesca Sofia Alexandratos, con un’introduzione degli autori all’edizione italiana, la prefazione di Charles Taylor all’edizione inglese e una postfazione di Francesca Sofia Alexandratos.PhilosophyAnthropologyantropologia filosoficamovimenti femministiecologisticontroculturalinatura umanaFeuerbachmarxismoantropologia filosofica tedescaFoucaultHabermasanthropologie philosophiquemouvements féministesécologistesmouvements contre-culturelsnature humainemarxismeanthropologie philosophique allemandephilosophical anthropologyfeminist movementsecologistscountercultural movementshuman natureMarxismGerman philosophical anthropologyPhilosophyAnthropologyantropologia filosoficamovimenti femministiecologisticontroculturalinatura umanaFeuerbachmarxismoantropologia filosofica tedescaFoucaultHabermasanthropologie philosophiquemouvements féministesécologistesmouvements contre-culturelsnature humainemarxismeanthropologie philosophique allemandephilosophical anthropologyfeminist movementsecologistscountercultural movementshuman natureMarxismGerman philosophical anthropologyHonneth Axel120120Joas Hans123079Alexandratos Francesca Sofia1454114Honneth Axel120120Taylor Charles143562FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910768383703321Agire sociale e natura umana3656779UNINA