01921 am 22004333u 450 991076587580332120221206103643.097888917735489780889177352(CKB)4100000008622678(OAPEN)1005155(EXLCZ)99410000000862267820190710h20182018 uy 0itaurmu#---|u|uutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierProspettive di parità nella formazione e nel mercato del lavoro strumenti e ricerche /a cura di Adele Bianco e Mara MarettiMilano, Italy :FrancoAngeli,[2018]©20181 online resource (136 pages) PDF, digital file(s)Temi dello sviluppo locale ;1Print version: 8891773549 Includes bibliographical references.This volume aims to provide an overview of equal opportunities, particularly in the areas of higher and university education and the labor market. It is composed of different contributions and the result of an interdisciplinary reflection gained during the drafting of the Gender Report of the "Gabriele d’Annunzio" University (Chieti-Pescara, Italy). The text is proposed as a useful tool for training in this sector and as a sociological reflection on culture and the processes of construction of gender stereotypes.EducationUniversitiesEducationEqual opportunitiesElectronic booksSociologybicsscEducationUniversities.EducationEqual opportunities.SociologyBianco AdeleMaretti MaraUkMaJRU9910765875803321Prospettive di parità nella formazione e nel mercato del lavoro3653606UNINA