01964nam 22003733a 450 991076571870332120231201154300.01-4780-9113-4https://doi.org/10.1215/9780822373735(CKB)5490000000052499(OCoLC)950751161(ScCtBLL)91aa06e8-d0a9-4e60-9fa5-56e83c975f67(EXLCZ)99549000000005249920211214i20162017 uu enguru||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAn Aqueous Territory Sailor Geographies and New Granada's Transimperial Greater Caribbean World /Ernesto BassiDurham NC :Duke University Press,2016.1 online resource (357 p.)In An Aqueous Territory Ernesto Bassi traces the configuration of a geographic space he calls the transimperial Greater Caribbean between 1760 and 1860. Focusing on the Caribbean coast of New Granada (present-day Colombia), Bassi shows that the region's residents did not live their lives bounded by geopolitical borders. Rather, the cross-border activities of sailors, traders, revolutionaries, indigenous peoples, and others reflected their perceptions of the Caribbean as a transimperial space where trade, information, and people circulated, both conforming to and in defiance of imperial regulations. Bassi demonstrates that the islands, continental coasts, and open waters of the transimperial Greater Caribbean constituted a space that was simultaneously Spanish, British, French, Dutch, Danish, Anglo-American, African, and indigenous.History / Latin AmericabisacshHistoryHistory / Latin AmericaHistoryBassi Ernesto1452514ScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910765718703321An Aqueous Territory3654156UNINA