02831oam 2200565 450 991076049400332120230215172752.01-78924-749-71-78924-750-0(CKB)4940000000619818(MiAaPQ)EBC6798045(Au-PeEL)EBL6798045(EXLCZ)99494000000061981820211214d2022 uy 0engurcz#---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGene flow monitoring, modeling and mitigation /edited by Wei Wei and C. Neal Stewart, JrOxford, England ;Boston, MA :CAB International,[2022]©2022.1 recurs en línia (230 pàgines)1-78924-748-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Chapter 1. --Assessing environmental impact of pollen-mediated transgene flow --Chapter 2. --Indirect methods for monitoring and modeling gene flow in natural plant populations --Chapter 3. --Challenges for monitoring (trans)gene-flow in the environment --Chapter 4. --Transgenic poplar gene flow monitoring in China --Chapter 5. --Monitoring gene flow from genetically modified soybean to cultivated soybean and wild soybean in China --Chapter 6. --Monitoring herbicide resistance gene flow in weed populations --Chapter 7. --Modeling gene flow from genetically modified plants --Chapter 8. --Controlling transgene flow from engineered crops to unintended hosts by molecular approaches --Chapter 9. --Gene flow mitigation by ecological approaches --Chapter 10. --Containment strategies for synthetic gene drive organisms and impacts on gene flow.This book discusses gene flow of transgenes from genetically modified organisms into nature, with a focus on monitoring, modelling and mitigation. It includes both scientific reviews and perspectives on gene flow and experimental case studies, for example, gene flow of soyabean and poplar.Monitoring, modeling and mitigationConreusEnginyeria genèticalemacGene flowCropsGenetic engineeringPlantes transgèniqueslemacBiosecurityLlibres electrònicstgfcConreusEnginyeria genèticaGene flow.CropsGenetic engineering.Plantes transgèniquesBiosecurity.631.5/233Wei Wei(Botanist),Stewart C. NealJr.,MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQDLCBOOK9910760494003321Gene Flow2946255UNINA