00895nam0 2200277 450 991074620010332120231011104639.0978880986942420231011d2018----km y0itay50 baitaITy 001yyIslam e Firenzearte e collezionismo dai Medici al Novecentoa cura di Giovanni CuratolaFirenzeGiunti2018351 p.ill.28 cmCatalogo della mostra tenutasi presso il Museo Nazionale del Bargello dal 22 giugno al 23 settembre 2018.Curatola,GiovanniMuseo Nazionale del BargelloGallerie degli UffiziITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910746200103321709 MOSTRE FIRENZE 20182023/631FLFBCFLFBCIslam e Firenze3568761UNINA04566nam 2200997z- 450 991058020730332120231214132958.0(CKB)5690000000012015(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/87439(EXLCZ)99569000000001201520202207d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCurrent Techniques and Materials in DentistryBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (168 p.)3-0365-4413-5 3-0365-4414-3 With advances in dental materials and their clinical applications, as well as innovations in computer technology, dental treatment is constantly evolving. In particular, adhesion technology to the tooth surface, implant treatments, and the application of CAD/CAM technology are very interesting topics for clinical dentists. As a bonding technique, the influence of the pre-etched area of the tooth surface on the adhesive strength can be reduced by the new application of a functional monomer. Additionally, the effect of an advanced adhesive system as a universal adhesive-derived primer, when compared with the two-step adhesive, is helpful for updating the applications of new materials. Dental implants are one of the most interesting dental treatments. PEEK (polyetheretherketone) has recently been reported as a further innovation in polymer implant materials, although it has not yet met the requirements to be a biomechanical requirement. In the placement of mini-screws used in orthodontic treatments, micro-cracks caused by overtorquing in thick and hard bone, and the consequent heat production, can reduce the success rate. Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Since complete dentures can be produced using an additive (3D printing) or subtractive (milling) process, CAD/CAM techniques for denture fabrication have many clinical and laboratory advantages. Innovative and convenient dental material technology will be more and more expected in the future. This book has limited findings, but we hope that your clinical capability will be integrated and upgraded.Information technology industriesbicsscComputer sciencebicsscdenture basecomplete dentureacrylic resinCAD-CAMmilling resineye-trackingaestheticsgolden ratioforensicscaries modelStreptococcus mutansdemineralizationdental cariesmolar intrusionorthodontic treatmenttemporomandibular disorderocclusal splintcentric relationbracket debondingdental enamelscanning electron microscopyorthodonticsmethacrylate monomerheat polymerizationmechanical propertiesresin infiltrationtwo-step adhesive systemuniversal adhesive-derived primeradhesive layer thicknessenamel bond durabilityorthodontic screwmini-implantpre-drillingheat productiontemperatureirrigationcooled irrigationsafetybone drillingorthodontic adhesive pastefunctional monomerpre-etched areachewing exercisemasticatory functionmasticatory patternopen biteTADscephalometric analysistreatment option criteriaROC analysisorthodontic retaineroral hygienegingival recessionpatient complianceInformation technology industriesComputer scienceMotoyoshi Mitsuruedt1319341Motoyoshi MitsuruothBOOK9910580207303321Current Techniques and Materials in Dentistry3033801UNINA01204nam0 22002773i 450 VAN0024778820240806101410.80320220705d1976 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Il disadattamento degli anziani e il problema dell'assistenza pubblicaRenzo Canestrari, Marco W. Battacchi, G. Carlo CrociatiBolognaCappelli1976147 p.24 cm001VAN002477902001 Collana di psicologia210 BolognaCappelli.BolognaVANL000003CanestrariRenzoVANV20279807033792BattacchiMarco WalterVANV01251807023937CrociatiCarlo G.VANV2027990701244212CappelliEditoreVANV112613650ITSOL20250124RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIAIT-CE0119VAN16VAN00247788BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIA16CONS 4301 16OM 114 20220705 BuonoDisadattamento degli anziani e il problema dell'assistenza pubblica4309930UNICAMPANIA