03596oam 2200589I 450 991014917640332120230525033409.01-351-84591-81-315-22511-51-351-84592-610.4324/9781315225111(CKB)3710000000933080(MiAaPQ)EBC4732443970389620(OCoLC)962303305(OCoLC-P)962303305(FlBoTFG)9781315225111(EXLCZ)99371000000093308020161109d2017 uy 0engurcnu|||unuuurdacontentrdamediardacarrierAging, globalization, and inequality the new critical gerontology /edited by Jan Baars [and 3 others]London :Routledge,2017.1 online resource (300 pages)Society and Aging SeriesFirst published 2006 by Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.0-89503-358-5 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.section 1. Dimensions of critical gerontology -- section 2. Critical dimensions of medicalization : aging and health as cultural products -- section 3. Age and inequality : local, national, and global dynamics.This book is a major reassessment of work in the field of critical gerontology, providing a comprehensive survey of issues by a team of contributors drawn from Europe and North America. The book focuses on the variety of ways in which age and ageing are socially constructed, and the extent to which growing old is being transformed through processes associated with globalisation. The collection offers a range of alternative views and visions about the nature of social ageing, making a major contribution to theory-building within the discipline of gerontology. The different sections of the book give an overview of the key issues and concerns underlying the development of critical gerontology. These include: first, the impact of globalisation and of multinational organizations and agencies on the lives of older people; second, the factors contributing to the "social construction" of later life; and third, issues associated with diversity and inequality in old age, arising through the effects of cumulative advantage and disadvantage over the life course. These different themes are analysed using a variety of theoretical perspectives drawn from sociology, social policy, political science, and social anthropology. "Aging, Globalization and Inequality" brings together key contributors to critical perspectives on aging and is unique in the range of themes and concerns covered in a single volume. The study moves forward an important area of debate in studies of aging, and thus provides the basis for a new type of critical gerontology relevant to the twenty-first century.Society and aging series.GerontologyOlder peopleSocial conditions21st centuryAgingSocial aspectsGlobalizationSocial aspectsEqualityGerontology.Older peopleSocial conditionsAgingSocial aspects.GlobalizationSocial aspects.Equality.305.26Baars Jan910249OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910149176403321Aging, globalization, and inequality2037414UNINA00902nam0-2200265 --450 991072810050332120230621143850.020230621d1956----kmuy0itay5050 baitaIT 001yy<<Il >>libro dei morti degli antichi egizianiricostruzione e commenti a cura di Gregorio Kolpaktchycon lettera prefazione di M. Etienne Driotonversione italiana di Donato PiantanidaMilanoCeschina1956339 p.ill.23 cmCulto dei mortiEgitto anticoPiantanida,DonatoDrioton,Etienne<1889-1961>Kolpaktchy,GregoireITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK99107281005033216/III I 04bibl.29430FLFBCFLFBCLibro dei morti degli antichi egiziani1308487UNINA02678 am 22007093u 450 991013141510332120230621135746.0(CKB)3710000000492931(SSID)ssj0001695434(PQKBManifestationID)16544313(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001695434(PQKBWorkID)15065825(PQKB)25089708(WaSeSS)IndRDA00058255(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/33922(EXLCZ)99371000000049293120160829d2015 uy |gerur|||||||||||txtccrDer Franziszeische Kataster im Kronland Bukowina Czernowitzer Kreis (1817-1865) Statistik und Katastralmappen /Helmut Rumpler, Kurt Scharr,Constantin Ungureanu (editors)Böhlau2015Germany :Böhlau Verlag,20151 online resource (210 pages) illustrations, mapsBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-205-79698-5 Includes bibliographical references.The Bukovina is the first crown land of this edition project situated completely outside today’s Austrian territory. On the basis of the land register of Francis I and using a proven analytic method, this volume is the first systematic edition of comprehensive sources of social, economic and societal history for an entire region and makes them available for further research.Law - Europe, except U.KHILCCLaw - Non-U.SHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCBukovina (Romania and Ukraine)Administrative and political divisionsHistory19th centuryCadastreLand RegisterHabsburg MonarchyBukovina19th CenturyFranz IFranziszeischer KatasterBukowinaHabsburgermonarchieFranz I.19. JahrhundertCzernowitzRădăuțiSerethSuceavaLaw - Europe, except U.K.Law - Non-U.S.Law, Politics & GovernmentScharr Kurtauth801939Scharr KurtUngureanu ConstantinRumpler HelmutPQKBUkMaJRUBOOK9910131415103321Der Franziszeische Kataster im Kronland Bukowina Czernowitzer Kreis (1817-1865)3387999UNINA