01805oam 2200541 450 991071700890332120220107111116.0(CKB)5470000002528121(OCoLC)760069837(OCoLC)786268903(EXLCZ)99547000000252812120111109d1921 ua 0engurun|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe eight-hour day in federal and state legislation summary of the state and federal "eight-hour laws" in effect in the United States, 1920Second edition.[Washington, D.C.] :U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau,1921.1 online resource (14 pages)Bulletin of the Women's Bureau ;no. 5Publication pre-dates Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) item numbers. No FDLP item number has been assigned.Eight-hour day in federal and state legislation Eight-hour movementLabor laws and legislationUnited StatesEight-hour movementfastLabor laws and legislationfastUnited StatesfastEight-hour movement.Labor laws and legislationEight-hour movement.Labor laws and legislation.United States.Women's Bureau,OCLCEOCLCEOCLCQOCLCFOCLCQHMMOCLCOOCLCQOCLCAOCLCQGPOBOOK9910717008903321The eight-hour day in federal and state legislation3506722UNINA