02332nam2 22003731i 450 SUN003181120200219023845.26288-299-1548-30.0020050118d2000 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||2: *Anatomia patologica degli organi e dei sistemi(capitoli 16-31)Robbinsedizione italiana a cura di Antonio M. Mancini6. edPadovaPiccin[2000]VI, 817-1618 p.ill.27 cm.001SUN00172792001 Le *basi patologiche delle malattieRobbinsRamzi S. Cotran, Vinay Kumar, Tucker Collins2205 6. ed210 PadovaPiccin[2000]215 volumi26 cm.PadovaSUNL000007616.07Patologia22Robbins, Stanley L.SUNV02643767339Mancini, Antonio M.SUNV026442PiccinSUNV000025650Robbins, S. L.Robbins, Stanley L.SUNV103366Mancini, Antonio MariaMancini, Antonio M.SUNV050582ITSOL20200727RICAUFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHEIT-CE0101SUN17SUN0031811UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17 1007 20181210 SmarritoUFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17CONS Ae27 17DSV1006 20091118 SottolineatoUFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17PREST Ae35 17DSV1336 20091118 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE AMBIENTALI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACEUTICHE17PREST Ae34/2 17DSV1335 20091022 UFFICIO DI BIBLIOTECA DEI DIPARTIMENTI DI AREA MEDICA12CONS aula studio 12 13390 20050118 Anatomia patologica degli organi e dei sistemi1520542UNICAMPANIA01711oam 2200433 450 991071691390332120211126132754.0(CKB)5470000002527061(OCoLC)1097462261(EXLCZ)99547000000252706120170208d1971 ua 0engurbn||||auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAirport and airway trust fund hearings before the Subcommittee on Transportation and Aeronautics, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Ninety-second Congress, first session on H.R. 7072 (and identical bills), bills to amend the Airport and Airway Development and Revenue Acts of 1970 to further clarify the intent of Congress as to priorities for airway modernization and airport development, and for other purposes, June 8 and 9, 1971Washington :U.S. Government Printing Office,1971.1 online resource (iv, 115 pages)"Serial no. 92-35."Airport and airway trust fund Aeronautics, CommercialTaxationLaw and legislationUnited StatesAirportsLaw and legislationUnited StatesLegislative hearings.lcgftAeronautics, CommercialTaxationLaw and legislationAirportsLaw and legislationYORYOROCLCFOCLCOFNLOCLCOOCLCQOCLGPOBOOK9910716913903321Airport and Airway Trust Fund3432020UNINA