01781oam 2200505M 450 991071639950332120200213070536.7(CKB)5470000002520135(OCoLC)1065850853(OCoLC)995470000002520135(EXLCZ)99547000000252013520071213d1926 ua 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierTo correct the naval record of Charles David Gutheridge. March 11, 1926. -- Ordered to be printed[Washington, D.C.] :[U.S. Government Printing Office],1926.1 online resource (2 pages)Senate report / 69th Congress, 1st session. Senate ;no. 323[United States congressional serial set ] ;[serial no. 8527]Batch processed record: Metadata reviewed, not verified. Some fields updated by batch processes.FDLP item number not assigned.Absence and presumption of deathClaimsDesertion, MilitaryDesertion, NavalLegislative amendmentsLegislative materials.lcgftAbsence and presumption of death.Claims.Desertion, Military.Desertion, Naval.Legislative amendments.Pepper George Wharton1867-1961Republican (PA)1392845WYUWYUOCLCOOCLCQOCLCOBOOK9910716399503321To correct the naval record of Charles David Gutheridge. March 11, 1926. -- Ordered to be printed3510550UNINA