02175oam 2200649M 450 991071626550332120200213070501.4(CKB)5470000002519469(OCoLC)1065768201(OCoLC)995470000002519469(EXLCZ)99547000000251946920071213d1926 ua 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFirst National Bank of Newton, Mass. April 5 (calendar day, April 14), 1926. -- Ordered to be printed[Washington, D.C.] :[U.S. Government Printing Office],1926.1 online resource (19 pages)Senate report / 69th Congress, 1st session. Senate ;no. 594[United States congressional serial set ] ;[serial no. 8527]Batch processed record: Metadata reviewed, not verified. Some fields updated by batch processes.FDLP item number not assigned.First National Bank of Newton, Mass. April 5 Bank fraudBanks and bankingClaimsEmbezzlementInterestJudgmentsLegislative amendmentsReceivershipAppellate courtsRules and practiceCivil serviceStockholdersLegislative materials.lcgftBank fraud.Banks and banking.Claims.Embezzlement.Interest.Judgments.Legislative amendments.Receivership.Appellate courtsRules and practice.Civil service.Stockholders.Bayard Thomas F(Thomas Francis),1868-1942Democrat (DE)1386175WYUWYUOCLCOOCLCQBOOK9910716265503321First National Bank of Newton, Mass. April 5 (calendar day, April 14), 1926. -- Ordered to be printed3460841UNINA05050nam 2200457 450 991081825330332120230921013521.01-64105-868-4(MiAaPQ)EBC7285376(Au-PeEL)EBL7285376(EXLCZ)992815217150004120230921d2021 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBid protests a guide to challenging federal procurements /Andrew E. Shipley and Daniel ChuddChicago, Illinois :ABA Publishing,[2021]©20211 online resource (154 pages)Includes index.Print version: Shipley, Andrew E. Bid Protests La Vergne : American Bar Association,c2021 9781641058674 Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Acknowledgments -- About the Authors -- A Note to the Reader -- Table of Contents -- Chapter 1: The History of Protest Jurisdiction -- A. The Long-Standing Authority of GAO to Hear Bid Protests -- B. The Expansion and Contraction of Federal Court Protest Jurisdiction -- 1. Protest Jurisdiction at Court of Federal Claims -- 2. Prior Protest Jurisdiction in Federal District Court -- 3. ADRA and the Short-Lived Existence of Parallel Jurisdiction -- C. Limits on Task Order Jurisdiction -- D. Protesting Other Transaction Agreements -- Chapter 2: Comparing Protest Forums -- A. Agency-Level Protests -- B. GAO Protests -- 1. Initial Protest -- 2. Intervention -- 3. Requests for Dismissal -- 4. Five-Day Letter -- 5. Agency Report -- 6. Comments on the Agency Report -- 7. Supplemental Protests -- 8. Supplemental Agency Report and Supplemental Comments -- 9. Decision -- C. COFC Protests -- 1. Pre-Filing Notice -- 2. Complaint and Initial Filings -- 3. Intervention -- 4. Initial Status Conference and Scheduling Order -- 5. Temporary Restraining Order/Preliminary Injunctive Relief -- 6. Administrative Record -- 7. Motions for Judgment on the Administrative Record -- 8. Decision and Appeal Options -- Chapter 3: Who May Protest, and When and Whether to Do So -- A. Who May Protest -- 1. Interested Parties and Standing Generally -- 2. Sole-Source Award Protests -- 3. Competitive Range Decision Protests -- 4. Multiple Award IDIQ Contracts -- B. When to Protest -- 1. Pre-Award Protest Filing Deadlines -- 2. Post-Award Protest Filing Deadlines -- C. Whether to Protest -- 1. Gathering Information -- 2. Assessing Prospects -- 3. Choosing a Forum -- Chapter 4: Stays, Overrides, and Injunctions -- A. Stays -- 1. Stay of Contract Award -- 2. Stay of Contract Performance -- 3. Stay Overrides -- B. Injunctive Relief.Chapter 5: Protective Orders -- A. GAO Protective Orders -- B. COFC Protective Orders -- Chapter 6: Grounds of Protest -- A. Pre-Award Grounds of Protest -- 1. Patent Ambiguities -- 2. Failure to Provide for Full and Open Competition -- 3. Restricting Competition Based on Lack of Advance Planning -- 4. Restricting Competition for Administrative Convenience -- 5. Failure to Provide Fair Opportunity to Win Task or Delivery Orders Placed under Multiple Award IDIQ Contracts -- 6. Orders That Exceed the Scope of the Underlying Umbrella Contract -- 7. Failure to Observe Set-Aside Requirements -- 8. Improper Bundling -- 9. Solicitation Terms That Conflict with Statutory or Regulatory Requirements -- 10. Unreasonable Evaluation Methodology -- 11. Unreasonable Evaluation Criteria -- 12. Lack of Mutual Consideration -- 13. Improper Disclosure of Proprietary Information -- 14. Improper Cancellation of Solicitation -- 15. Insourcing Decisions -- 16. Commercial Item Procurements -- B. Post-Award Protest Issues -- 1. Mis-Evaluations -- 2. Latent Ambiguities -- 3. Disparate Treatment -- 4. Unstated Evaluation Criteria/Waived Requirements -- 5. Unequal or Misleading Discussions -- 6. Out of Scope Contract Modifications -- 7. Organizational Conflicts of Interest -- 8. Procurement Integrity Act -- 9. Bad Faith and Bias -- 10. Key Personnel -- 11. Cost/Price Errors -- 12. Past Performance Evaluations -- 13. Responsibility Determinations -- 14. Impact of Corporate Transactions -- 15. FSS Contract Issues -- 16. Flawed Best Value Tradeoff/Decision -- 17. Corrective Action Protest Issues (Scope/Solicitation Cancellation) -- Chapter 7: What Lies Ahead -- A. Statutory and Regulatory Changes -- B. Section 809 Panel -- Glossary of Acronyms -- Index.Government purchasingLaw and legislationUnited StatesLetting of contractsUnited StatesPublic contractsUnited StatesGovernment purchasingLaw and legislationLetting of contractsPublic contracts346.73023Shipley Andrew E.1631124Chudd DanielMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910818253303321Bid protests3969792UNINA