02350oam 2200601M 450 991071587280332120191123062007.7(CKB)5470000002515355(OCoLC)1065565409(OCoLC)995470000002515355(EXLCZ)99547000000251535520070221d1857 ua 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierIn the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1857. -- Referred to the Committee of Claims. December 18, 1857. -- Referred to the Committee of Claims, and ordered to be printed. The Court of Claims submitted the following report ... David Myerle vs. the United States ..[Washington, D.C.] :[publisher not identified],1857.1 online resource (62 pages)Mis. doc. / 35th Congress, 1st session. Senate ;no. 130[United States congressional serial set ] ;[serial no. 935]Title from opening lines of text.Batch processed record: Metadata reviewed, not verified. Some fields updated by batch processes.FDLP item number not assigned.Breach of contractClaimsCordageDefense contractsGovernment contractorsHempJudicial opinionsNaval researchShipsEquipment and suppliesLegislative materials.lcgftBreach of contract.Claims.Cordage.Defense contracts.Government contractors.Hemp.Judicial opinions.Naval research.ShipsEquipment and supplies.United States.Court of Claims (1855-1982)WYUWYUOCLCOOCLCQBOOK9910715872803321In the Senate of the United States. February 21, 1857. -- Referred to the Committee of Claims. December 18, 1857. -- Referred to the Committee of Claims, and ordered to be printed. The Court of Claims submitted the following report ... David Myerle vs. the United States .3510256UNINA