01668oas 2200529 450 991071131690332120180913170717.0(CKB)5470000002482866(OCoLC)817009243(EXLCZ)99547000000248286620121111b19771987 ua engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierIndustry wage surveyGrain mill products[Washington, D.C.] :U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics1 online resource (volumes)Bulletin / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor StatisticsGrain mill productsWagesFlour mill employeesUnited StatesStatisticsPeriodicalsEmployee fringe benefitsUnited StatesStatisticsPeriodicalsEmployee fringe benefitsfastWagesFlour mill employeesfastUnited StatesfastPeriodicals.fastStatistics.fastStatistics.lcgftWagesFlour mill employeesEmployee fringe benefitsEmployee fringe benefits.WagesFlour mill employees.331.2/8647207/0973021United States.Bureau of Labor Statistics,OCLCEOCLCEOCLCQOCLCFOCLCOOCLCQZ5AGPOJOURNAL9910711316903321Industry wage survey3251718UNINA02774nim 2200541Ka 450 991014887800332120240912110724.60-00-726577-8(CKB)3710000000923971(BIP)014153590(ODN)ODN0000902085(EXLCZ)99371000000092397120170113d2008 uy 1enguruna---|||||spwrdacontentsrdamediacrdamediacrrdacarrierThe other queen /Philippa GregoryAbridged.Glasgow HarperCollins20081 online resource (5 audio files) digitalAbridged.A dramatic novel of passion, politics and betrayal from the author of The Other Boleyn Girl, Philippa Gregory. Mary, Queen of Scots, fights to regain her kingdom whilst under the guard of Queen Elizabeth's trusted accomplice, Bess of Hardwick. Mary is Queen of Scotland but she has been forced to flee her land and take refuge in an England that is ruled by her cousin Elizabeth. But England, precarious in its Protestant state, set against the mighty powers of Spain, France and Rome, doesn't need a charismatic Catholic figurehead at large. So Elizabeth's chief advisor, Cecil, devises a plan in which Mary will live under guard with his trusted accomplice: Bess of Hardwick. Bess is a self-made woman, a shrewd survivor. She is newly married to her fourth and most distinguished husband, the Earl of Shrewsbury. But what marriage can withstand the charms of Mary? Or the threat of rebellion that she always carries? Mary must wait in her privileged imprisonment for the return to Scotland and her infant son; but waiting is not the same as doing nothing... With her characteristic combination of superb storytelling and authentic historical background, Philippa Gregory brings to life this period of great change, in a riveting tale of betrayal, loyalty, politics and passion.Other Queen, The FictionOverDriveClassic LiteratureOverDriveLiteratureOverDriveThrillerOverDriveScotlandGreat britainFictionLiterature and fictionFiction.Classic Literature.Literature.Thriller.823.914FIC014000FIC019000FIC027280FIC031020bisacshGregory Philippa1775614Amato BiancaothDominczyk DagmaraothMalcolm GraemeothAUDIO9910148878003321The other queen4290878UNINA