01730aam 2200385I 450 991071055530332120160606093149.0GOVPUB-C13-c030e128b1a47e3651f710f1b74d4d7f(CKB)5470000002477744(OCoLC)951215361(EXLCZ)99547000000247774420160606d1986 ua 0engrdacontentrdamediardacarrierA summary of the NBS literature reviews on the chemical nature and toxicity of the pyrolysis and combustion products from seven plastics acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrenes (ABS), nylons, polyesters, polyethylenes, polystyrenes, poly(vinyl chlorides) and rigid polyurethane foams /Barbara C. LevinGaithersburg, MD :U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology,1986.1 online resourceNBSIR ;85-32671986.Contributed record: Metadata reviewed, not verified. Some fields updated by batch processes.Title from PDF title page.Includes bibliographical references.Summary of the NBS literature reviews on the chemical nature and toxicity of the pyrolysis and combustion products from seven plastics Levin Barbara C1388756Levin Barbara C1388756United States.National Bureau of Standards.NBSNBSGPOBOOK9910710555303321A summary of the NBS literature reviews on the chemical nature and toxicity of the pyrolysis and combustion products from seven plastics3478460UNINA