01567aam 2200433I 450 991071025280332120160121100811.0GOVPUB-C13-8b03bae9428b2d6abd053e03b16c0df9(CKB)5470000002476759(OCoLC)935501481(EXLCZ)99547000000247675920160121d1984 ua 0engrdacontentrdamediardacarrierMeasurement of multimode optical fiber attenuation an NBS special test service /R. L. Gallawa; G. E. Chamberlain; G. W. Day; D. L. Franzen; M. YoungGaithersburg, MD :U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology,1984.1 online resourceNBSIR ;83-16911984.Contributed record: Metadata reviewed, not verified. Some fields updated by batch processes.Title from PDF title page.Includes bibliographical references.Measurement of multimode optical fiber attenuation Gallawa R. L1393533Chamberlain G. E1393534Day G. W1387718Franzen Douglas L1387719Gallawa R. L1393533Young M678959United States.National Bureau of Standards.NBSNBSGPOBOOK9910710252803321Measurement of multimode optical fiber attenuation3449772UNINA