02765oam 2200709 450 991070834810332120180312104948.0(CKB)3780000000321274(OCoLC)879345481(EXLCZ)99378000000032127420140507d1936 ua 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGrowth of legal-aid work in the United States a study of our administration of justice primarily as it affects the wage earner, and of the agencies designed to improve his position before the law /by Reginald Heber Smith and John S. Bradway ; with introduction by Owen J. RobertsRevised edition.Washington :United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.Washington :United States Government Printing Office,1936.1 online resource (vii, 223 pages)Bulletin ;no. 607At head of title: United States Department of Labor. Frances Perkins, Secretary; Bureau of Labor Statistics. Isador Lubin, Commissioner."November 1935"--Page 1.Issued also as House doc. 254, 73d Cong., 2d sess.Revision of Bulletin no. 398."Appendix D.--Legal aid directory, April 1935": pages 198-199."Appendix F.-Bibliography of legal-aid work (May 1, 1934)" (pages 212-223).Growth of Legal-Aid Work in the United StatesGrowth of Legal Aid Work in the United StatesJustice, Administration ofUnited StatesLegal aidUnited StatesPublic defendersLegal aidBibliographyJustice, Administration offastLegal aidfastPublic defendersfastUnited StatesfastBibliography.fastBibliographies.lcgftJustice, Administration ofLegal aidPublic defenders.Legal aidJustice, Administration of.Legal aid.Public defenders.Smith Reginald Heber1889-1966,1412291Roberts Owen J(Owen Josephus),1875-1955.1418548Bradway John S(John Saeger),1890-1985,United States.Bureau of Labor Statistics,UCOUCOOCLCOOCLCQZ5ABUFGPOBOOK9910708348103321Growth of legal-aid work in the United States3530294UNINA