01733oam 2200445I 450 991070530060332120170206084807.0(CKB)5470000002448356(OCoLC)876624578(OCoLC)995470000002448356(EXLCZ)99547000000244835620140414j201310 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAnalysis of variability and uncertainty in wind power forecasting an international comparison : preprint /J. Zhang [and ten others][Golden, Colo.] :National Renewable Energy Laboratory,October 2013.1 online resource (7 pages) color illustrationsNREL/CP ;5D00-60228"October 2013.""To be presented at the 12th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, London, England, October 22-24, 2013."Includes bibliographical references (pages 6-7).Analysis of variability and uncertainty in wind power forecasting Wind powerForecastingWind power plantsForecastingWind powerForecasting.Wind power plantsForecasting.Zhang Jie639315National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.),SOESOEOCLCOSOEGPOBOOK9910705300603321Analysis of variability and uncertainty in wind power forecasting3462791UNINA