02993oam 2200625M 450 991046196300332120200324081316.01-280-66494-097866136418780-203-83024-51-136-82097-3(CKB)2670000000203672(EBL)801936(OCoLC)797919043(SSID)ssj0000677287(PQKBManifestationID)11931990(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000677287(PQKBWorkID)10685411(PQKB)11685207(MiAaPQ)EBC801936(Au-PeEL)EBL801936(CaPaEBR)ebr10566833(CaONFJC)MIL364187(OCoLC)860112988(OCoLC-P)860112988(FlBoTFG)9780203830246(EXLCZ)99267000000020367220101008d2011 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrThe divine songs of Zarathushtra (RLE Iran C) /by D.J. IraniLondon Routledge20111 online resource (87 p.)Routledge library editions : Iran ;21Description based upon print version of record.0-415-61448-1 Cover; The Divine Songs of Zarathushtra; Copyright; Dinshah Jijibhai Irani; Introduction; I; II; Ill; IV; V; VI; VII; VIII; IX; X; XI; XII; XIII; XIV; XV; XVI; XVII; XVIII; XIX; XX; XXI; XXII; XXIII; XXIV; XXV; XXVI; XXVII; XXVIII; XXIX; XXX; XXXI; XXXII; XXXIII; XXXIV; XXXV; XXXVI; XXXVII; XXXVIII; XXXIX; XL; XLI; XLII; XLIII; XLIV; XLV; XLVI; XLVII; XL VIII; XLIX; L; LI; LII; LIII; LIV; LV; LVI; LVII; LVIII; LIX; LX; LXI; LXII; LXIII; LXIV; LXV; LXVI; LXVII; LXVIII; LXIX; LXX; LXXI; LXXII; LXXIII; LXXIV; LXXV; LXXVI; LXXVII; LXXVIII; LXXIX; LXXX; LXXXI; LXXXII; LXXXIII; LXXXIV; LXXXVLXXXVILXXXVII; LXXXVIII; LXXXIX; XC; XCI; XCII; XCIII; XCIV; XCV; XCVI; XCVII; XCVIII; XCIX; C; CI; CII; CIII; CIV; CV; CVI; CVII; CVIII; CIX; CX; CXI; CXII; CXIII; CXIV; cxv; CXVI; CXVII; CXVIII; CXIX; CXX; NotesZarathusthtra brought about important religious reform in Iran, giving a definitely moral character and direction to religion whilst at the same time preaching the doctrine of monotheism, which offered an eternal foundation of reality to goodness as an ideal of perfection. This volume provides a substantial introduction on the life and doctrines of Zarathushtra and compares the development of religion in India with that of Iran. Routledge Library Editions: IranZoroastrianismIranReligionElectronic books.Zoroastrianism.295.09ʻIrānī Dīnshāh928945OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910461963003321The divine songs of Zarathushtra (RLE Iran C)2087764UNINA01513oam 2200433 450 991070269310332120141103154751.0(CKB)5470000002429254(OCoLC)890657072(EXLCZ)99547000000242925420140916d2014 ua 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAn Act to Reauthorize Certain Provisions of the Public Health Service Act Relating to Autism, and for Other Purposes[Washington, D.C.] :[U.S. Government Printing Office],[2014]1 online resource (7 unnumbered pages)Title from title screen (viewed on Aug. 16, 2014)."Aug. 8, 2014 (H.R. 4631).""128 Stat. 1831.""Public Law 113-157.Autism CARES Act of 2014AutismResearchLaw and legislationUnited StatesAutismTreatmentLaw and legislationUnited StatesStatutes and codes.lcgftAutismResearchLaw and legislationAutismTreatmentLaw and legislationGPOGPOGPOCOOOCLCOGPOBOOK9910702693103321An Act to Reauthorize Certain Provisions of the Public Health Service Act Relating to Autism, and for Other Purposes3507811UNINA01084nam0 2200277 i 450 VAN0006792020240806100542.98888-7303-853-020090313d2002 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Fondamenti di elettronicaMuhammad H. Rashidedizione italiana a cura di Pierangelo TerreniMilanoApogeo2002XIX, 841 p.26 cm001VAN000577232001 Idee & strumenti210 MilanoApogeoMilanoVANL000284RashidMuhammad H.VANV05025428038TerreniPierangeloVANV053850Apogeo <editore>VANV108122650ITSOL20240906RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIAIT-CE0100VAN05VAN00067920BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA05PREST K 326 05 5207 20090313 BuonoMicroelectronic circuits : analysis and design24173UNICAMPANIA