01016nam 2200253z- 450 991069459320332120090328084538.0(CKB)5860000000020233(BIP)023786158(EXLCZ)99586000000002023320220406c2007uuuu -u- -engCritical budget issues affecting the 2010 census hearing before the Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, October 16, 20071 online resource (iii, 32 p.) 0-16-081329-8 Critical budget issues affecting the 2010 census United StatesCensus, 2010CostsUnited StatesCensus, 2010PlanningUnited StatesSocial scienceBOOK9910694593203321Critical budget issues affecting the 2010 census3092220UNINA