03664oam 2200625zu 450 991069443120332120241221111422.0(CKB)3360000000008696(SSID)ssj0000603211(PQKBManifestationID)12181251(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000603211(PQKBWorkID)10573530(PQKB)10211116(OCoLC)541044071(MiFhGG)4MRZ(EXLCZ)99336000000000869620160829d2010 uy engurbn|||||||||txtccrTransnational insurgencies and the escalation of regional conflict : lessons for Iraq and Afghanistan[Place of publication not identified]Strategic Studies Institute U S Army War College20101 online resource (ix, 61 pages)Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph9781584874270 1584874279 Includes bibliographical references (pages 52-61).Understanding transnational insurgency -- Transnational insurgencies and interstate conflict -- Rwanda and the Republic of the Congo -- Security cooperation and India's North-Eastern insurgencies -- Current dilemmas in Iraq and Afghanistan -- Moving forward in Iraq and Afghanistan -- Find the right balance between local and central government security capacity -- Improve coordination between security forces, especially between units along the border -- Enhance mechanisms for intelligence sharing -- Promote diplomacy and commercial exchanges in the region -- Conclusion.Many insurgents groups benefit from sanctuaries in neighboring countries where they are relatively safe from state security forces. These transnational insurgencies complicate traditional counterinsurgency operations in significant ways. Most importantly, transnational insurgencies have the potential to spark conflicts between neighboring countries. This monograph examines several transnational insurgencies that have been active since the end of the Cold War. While many neighboring countries have experienced the escalation of conflict between them as the result of cross-border violence, other states have successfully cooperated in providing border security. In depth case studies of relations between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as India and its eastern neighbors are explored. The lessons learned from this research are applied to contemporary issues facing Iraq and Afghanistan.InsurgencyCase studiesTransnational sanctuaries (Military science)Case studiesNon-state actors (International relations)Case studiesSecurity, InternationalInterregionalismPolitical ScienceHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCPolitical Theory of the StateHILCCInsurgencyTransnational sanctuaries (Military science)Non-state actors (International relations)Security, InternationalInterregionalismPolitical ScienceLaw, Politics & GovernmentPolitical Theory of the State355.02/18Salehyan Idean1152612Army War College (U.S.) Strategic Studies Institute,PQKBBOOK9910694431203321Transnational insurgencies and the escalation of regional conflict : lessons for Iraq and Afghanistan3123311UNINA