01205oam 2200337z- 450 991069438390332120130604084501.0(CKB)5470000000935462(WsH)cbhfdsohennxhm(BIP)914211034(EXLCZ)99547000000093546220211006c2007uuuu -u- -engAcademic and legal implications of VA's data loss hearing before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, June 22, 20061 online resource (2 p.) 0-16-078696-7 Academic and legal implications of VA's data loss Data protectionUnited StatesComputer securityUnited StatesData protectionComputer securityNational securityComputersPolitical scienceData protectionComputer securityUnited States, Congress House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Staff,othBOOK9910694383903321Academic and legal implications of VA's data loss3110571UNINA