01513nam 2200337z- 450 991069402150332120060629144901.0(CKB)5860000000027590(BIP)013654471(EXLCZ)99586000000002759020220406c2006uuuu -u- -engLegislation to implement the POPs, PIC, and LRTAP POPs agreements hearing before the Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, second session, March 2, 20061 online resource (iii, 180 p.) 0-16-076130-1 Legislation to implement the POPs, PIC, and LRTAP POPs agreements Persistent pollutantsLaw and legislationUnited StatesPollutionLaw and legislationUnited StatesHazardous substancesLaw and legislationUnited StatesRotterdam (netherlands)PollutionHazardous substancesLawPersistent pollutantsLaw and legislationPollutionLaw and legislationHazardous substancesLaw and legislationUnited States, Congress House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials Staff,othBOOK9910694021503321Legislation to implement the POPs, PIC, and LRTAP POPs agreements3172236UNINA