02011nas 2200565-a 450 991069343200332120240111213018.02169-7337(OCoLC)700286778(CKB)2560000000094067(CONSER)--2011230307(EXLCZ)99256000000009406720110203b20012008 -a- aengur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCoal contractor mining factsPittsburgh, PA National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-20111 online resource (volumes)DHHS (NIOSH) publicationDHHS publication.Coal contractorsCoal mines and miningUnited StatesStatisticsPeriodicalsContractors' operationsUnited StatesStatisticsPeriodicalsCoal mine accidentsUnited StatesStatisticsPeriodicalsMine safetyUnited StatesStatisticsPeriodicalsCoal mine accidentsfast(OCoLC)fst00865301Coal mines and miningfast(OCoLC)fst00865355Contractors' operationsfast(OCoLC)fst00876957Mine safetyfast(OCoLC)fst01022140United Statesfasthttps://id.oclc.org/worldcat/entity/E39PBJtxgQXMWqmjMjjwXRHgrqPeriodicals.fastStatistics.fastStatistics.lcgftCoal mines and miningContractors' operationsCoal mine accidentsMine safetyCoal mine accidents.Coal mines and mining.Contractors' operations.Mine safety.553.21National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.JOURNAL9910693432003321Coal contractor mining facts3204951UNINA05169nam 22006134a 450 991083042140332120230721004058.01-282-34230-497866123423010-470-69765-20-470-69807-1(CKB)1000000000687194(EBL)470126(OCoLC)609848680(SSID)ssj0000311858(PQKBManifestationID)11205898(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000311858(PQKBWorkID)10329380(PQKB)11616922(MiAaPQ)EBC470126(EXLCZ)99100000000068719420070808d2008 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTrans fatty acids[electronic resource] /edited by Albert J. Dijkstra, Richard J. Hamilton, Wolf HammOxford ;Ames, Iowa Blackwell Pub.20081 online resource (258 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4051-5691-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Trans Fatty Acids; 2.5.2 Diabetes; Contents; Contributors; Preface; 1 Fatty acids:structure,occurrence,nomenclature,biosynthesis and properties; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Fatty acid nomenclature; 1.2.1 Saturated acids; 1.2.2 Monounsaturated acids; 1.2.3 Diunsaturated acids; 1.2.4 Triunsaturated acids; 1.3 Occurrence; 1.4 Fatty acid biosynthesis; 1.4.1 Saturated fatty acids; 1.4.2 Monoenoic fatty acids; 1.4.3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids; 1.5 Properties of trans fatty acids; 1.5.1 Melting points; 1.5.2 Ultraviolet spectra; 1.5.3 Infrared spectra; 1.5.4 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy1.6 Labelling and legislation2 Trans fatty acids intake:epidemiology and health implications; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Food sources of trans fatty acids; 2.3 Trans fatty acids intake; 2.4 Trans fatty acids in human milk; 2.5 Trans fatty acids intake and health implications; 2.5.1 Coronary heart disease; 2.5.3 Cancer; 2.6 Concluding remarks; 3 Conjugated linoleic acid effects on body composition and clinical biomarkers of disease in animals and man:metabolic and cell mechanisms; 3.1 General introduction:conjugated linoleic acids and health3.2 Structure,dietary origins and consumption of CLAs in man3.2.1 Structure; 3.2.2 Origins of CLAs in the human diet; 3.2.3 Dietary consumption of CLAs in man; 3.3 CLAs in cancer prevention and treatment; 3.3.1 Epidemiology of dietary fats and cancer risk; 3.3.2 CLAs and breast cancer; 3.3.3 CLAs and prostate cancer; 3.3.4 CLAs in gastrointestinal cancer; 3.3.5 CLAs and other cancers (hepatic, pancreatic and dermal); 3.4 Cellular mechanisms of CLAs' anti-cancer effects; 3.4.1 Inhibition of angiogenesis; 3.4.2 Attenuation of cancer metastasis; 3.4.3 Reduction of cancer cachexia3.5 Effect of CLAs on body composition and energy metabolism in animals and men3.5.1 Body composition in animals; 3.5.2 Body composition in man; 3.5.3 Possible mechanisms underlying reported changes in body composition; 3.5.4 Efficacy of different CLA isomers in regulating body composition; 3.6 Other reported health benefits of CLAs; 3.6.1 Effects on insulin resistance and diabetes; 3.6.2 Modulation of immune functions; 3.6.3 Effects of CLAs on biomarkers of cardiovascular disease; 3.7 Reported adverse health effects of CLAs in vivo and in vitro; 3.8 Conclusions4 Analysis of trans mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Isomeric fatty acids in the human diet; 4.3 Gas chromatography and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; 4.4 Direct GC analysis; 4.4.1 Analysis of monounsaturated isomers; 4.4.2 Isomers of linoleic and a-linolenic acids; 4.4.3 Resolution of eicosenoic and a-linolenic acid isomers; 4.4.4 Effect of the type of carrier gas and flow rate on cis and trans isomer resolution and fatty acid quantification; 4.4.5 Conjugated fatty acids4.5 Silver nitrate thin-layer and high-performance liquid chromatography separation of cis and trans isomersTrans fatty acids (TFAs) have been used for many years to impart desirable physical characteristics to fats and fat blends used in food manufacturing. However, clinical trials and epidemiological studies conducted over the last thirty years have shown that TFAs can increase "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood while reducing "good" cholesterol. Accordingly, they are also linked with increased risks of coronary heart disease, thrombosis and strokes. For this reason, the food industry has been obliged to find alternatives to TFAs, thus enabling it to meet the presumed consumer demand forTrans fatty acidsTrans fatty acids.612.3/97664.3Dijkstra Albert J845534Hamilton R. J(Richard John)902282Hamm Wolf902283MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910830421403321Trans fatty acids2016859UNINA