01563oas 2200385 a 450 991069216630332120040407110056.0(CKB)5470000002351770(OCoLC)53783483ocm53783483(OCoLC)995470000002351770(EXLCZ)99547000000235177020031126a20039999 ua enguranu|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLocal notice to mariners, coastal waters from Shrewsbury River, New Jersey to Little River, South Carolina[electronic resource] /Commander, Fifth Coast Guard District, (oan)[Washington, D.C.] U.S. Dept. of Transportation, U.S. Coast GuardDescription based on: 01/03 (Jan. 07, 2003); title from title screen (viewed on Nov. 17, 2003).Coastal waters from Shrewsbury River, New Jersey to Little River, South CarolinaAids to navigationAtlantic Coast (U.S.)PeriodicalsNotices to marinersAtlantic Coast (U.S.)PeriodicalsPilot guidesAtlantic Coast (U.S.)PeriodicalsAids to navigationNotices to marinersPilot guidesUnited States.Coast Guard.District, 5th.GPOGPOJOURNAL9910692166303321Local notice to mariners, coastal waters from Shrewsbury River, New Jersey to Little River, South Carolina3094202UNINA