01210oam 2200301z- 450 991068985090332120240604134046.0(CKB)5860000000019339(BIP)012480505(EXLCZ)99586000000001933920231017c2005uuuu -u- -engCombating corruption in the multilateral development banks : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session. - Part IU.S. G.P.O0-16-074339-7 Combating corruption in the multilateral development banks United StatesDevelopment banksEconomic development projectsInternational financeBriberyBusiness & economicsLawUnited States, Congress Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Staff,othBOOK9910689850903321Combating corruption in the multilateral development banks : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session. - Part I3571900UNINA