01441nam 2200397z- 450 991068981720332120161209104555.0(CKB)5860000000031784(BIP)058843018(EXLCZ)99586000000003178420220406c2005uuuu -u- -engProtection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act hearing before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session, March 15, 20051 online resource (iv, 146 p.) ill0-16-074878-X Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act FirearmsLaw and legislationUnited StatesTortsUnited StatesProducts liabilityFirearmsUnited StatesGun controlUnited StatesNational securityLaw and legislationUnited StatesFirearmsProducts liabilityGun controlNational securityPolitical scienceLawFirearmsLaw and legislationTortsProducts liabilityFirearmsGun controlNational securityLaw and legislationBOOK9910689817203321Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act3097823UNINA