01679nas 2200469-a 450 991068973250332120231214213021.02166-9287(OCoLC)48631007(CKB)2550000000095823(CONSER)--2001231497(EXLCZ)99255000000009582320011218b19982010 sa- aenguran|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNational compensation surveyReading, PA /U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor StatisticsWashington, DC Bureau of Labor Statistics1999-20101 online resource (volumes)1998-2007:BulletinTitle from PDF title page (viewed Dec. 4, 2001).2166-9260 Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.Reading, PA, national compensation surveyWagesPennsylvaniaReading Metropolitan AreaStatisticsPeriodicalsWagesPennsylvaniaBerks CountyStatisticsPeriodicalsWagesfast(OCoLC)fst01169492PennsylvaniaBerks Countyfasthttps://id.oclc.org/worldcat/entity/E39PBJk4BYrdtpPqy8jgWMvJXdPennsylvaniaReading Metropolitan AreafastPeriodicals.fastStatistics.fastWagesWagesWages.331.2United States.Bureau of Labor Statistics.JOURNAL9910689732503321National compensation survey1995917UNINA04776nam 2200613 450 991078880990332120230421054925.03-0356-0412-610.1515/9783035604122(CKB)3360000000516384(EBL)2035715(MiAaPQ)EBC2035715(DE-B1597)445932(OCoLC)1024045207(OCoLC)979598218(OCoLC)999362266(DE-B1597)9783035604122(Au-PeEL)EBL2035715(CaPaEBR)ebr11049724(CaONFJC)MIL806941(OCoLC)908512704(EXLCZ)99336000000051638419961024h19961996 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierImmeuble 24 N.C. et appartement Le Corbusier =apartment block 24 N.C. and Le Corbusier's home /Jacques Sbriglio ; [translation from French into English, Sarah Parsons]Boston :Birkhäuser Verlag,[1996]©19961 online resource (120 p.)Le Corbusier Guides (engl./franz.)Description based upon print version of record.3-7643-5432-1 Includes bibliographical references.Frontmatter --Contents --Foreword / Avant-Propos --An Orientation Guide / Parcours De Visite --The Site / Situation --A Mapped-Out Route / La Visite: Le Sens D'un Itineraire --The Facades / Les Façades --The Entrances / Du Traitement des Entrees --" Made to measure " apartments / Des appartements a la demande --" My Apartment" / «Mon Appartement» --" My Apartment" / « Mon Appartement » --A "functional" apartment / Un Jogement «fonctionnel» --Furnishings and fittings for the apartment / Le mobilier ou l' équipement du logis --Vacuum cleaning and a cosy atmosphere / Vacuum cleaning et ambiance cosy --The art studio / L'atelier --The " Primitive " art exhibition / Exposition d'art dit « Primitif» --The roof garden / Le jardin sur le toit --Modifications: the history behind the fourth wall / Les modifications : histoire du quatrième mur --The Project's History / Histoire d'un Projet --Background / le contexte de Ia commande --A selected circle of owners / Vers une sociabilite choisie --A dwelling above a dwelling / La maison sur Ia maison --Constructing a fragment of the " Ville Radieuse " / Construire un fragment de Vil le Radieuse --Urban-style architecture / De l' architecture urbaine --In search of a modern layout / La recherche d'un plan moderne --Housing the domestic staff. The reversal of a system / Le logement des domestiques. L'inversion d'un système --Architecture and construction / Architecture et construction --A lengthy construction site / Un chantier e n longueur --Le Corbusier the " Squatter " / Le Corbusier squatter --The Bible itself speaks of the rust which kills everything / La Bible elle-même parle de Ia rouille qui tue tout --Le Corbusier, co-owner / Le Corbusier copropriétaire --Assessment / Appréciation --Notes / Notes --Annexes / Annexes --Bibliography / BibliographieDieses Wohnhaus veranschaulicht exemplarisch Le Corbusiers "cinq points de l'achitecture moderne".the construction of the apartment block at number 24, rue Nungesser et Coli in Paris, between 1931 and 1934, was an important milestone for Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. It was the first opportunity offered to them in France to put to the test theories on urbanism and architecture, which they had been working on since the 1920s ("cinq points de l architecture moderne"), and marks an important stage on the path to Brutalism. And it is of all the more interest because of the apartment and art studio Le Corbusier designed for the top two floors of the building and in which he lived from 1934 until his death in 1965. Historical documents and drawings make this handy-sized volume an invaluable guide for visitors and a practical introduction for all architectural enthusiasts.Le Corbusier Guides (engl./franz.)Apartment Block 24 N.C. and Le Corbusier's homeARCHITECTURE / Individual Architects & Firms / GeneralbisacshParis (France)Buildings, structures, etcARCHITECTURE / Individual Architects & Firms / General.720/.92Sbriglio Jacques748596Parsons SarahMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910788809903321Immeuble 24 N.C. et appartement Le Corbusier1497951UNINA01324nam0 2200301 i 450 VAN0001190520240806100250.20688-348-2348-620030128d2002 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆLa ‰pubblicità comparativaaspetti giuridici del confronto tra imprese alla luce della nuova normativa pubblica e autodisciplinarea cura di Fiammetta Malagoli e Federico Unniacon la presentazione di R. CortopassiTorinoGiappichellic2002XXI, 176 p.24 cm.001VAN000119062001 Diritto europeo dei media210 TorinoGiappichelli1999-.2Pubblicità comparativaaVANC006410FITorinoVANL000001CortopassiRobertoVANV050279MalagoliFiammettaVANV008880UmmaFedericoVANV008881Giappichelli <editore>VANV107921650ITSOL20240906RICABIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZAIT-CE0105VAN00VAN00011905BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00CONS VI.El.25 00 22385 20030128 Pubblicità comparativa678061UNICAMPANIA