01168oam 2200301z- 450 991068953290332120161209102536.0(CKB)5470000000935131(WsH)cbhnovembercabcbqst(BIP)008466203(EXLCZ)99547000000093513120211006c2002uuuu -u- -engOversight hearing on the integration of Veterans Integrated Service Networks 13 and 14 field hearing before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, second session, May 13, 20021 online resource (iii, 45 p.) 0-16-069386-1 Oversight hearing on the integration of Veterans Integrated Service Networks 13 and 14 VeteransMedical careNebraskaHealth facilitiesNebraskaVeteransHealth facilitiesMedicalVeteransMedical careHealth facilitiesBOOK9910689532903321Oversight hearing on the integration of Veterans Integrated Service Networks 13 and 143173390UNINA