01018nam 2200301z- 450 991068945160332120161209100728.0(CKB)5860000000023185(BIP)007972849(EXLCZ)99586000000002318520220406c2001uuuu -u- -engFederal sugar program hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixth Congress, secon session on federal sugar program, July 26, 20001 online resource (iv, 287 p.) ill0-16-065678-8 Federal Sugar ProgramSugar laws and legislationUnited StatesSugarPricesSugarAgricultural laws and legislationTechnology & engineeringLawSugar laws and legislationSugarPrices.BOOK9910689451603321Federal sugar program3096325UNINA