01216nam2-2200385li-450 99000019443020331620180312154814.00-8218-0267-40019443USA010019443(ALEPH)000019443USA0100194432001997031996-------y0itay0103----baengUS<<An>> invitation to arithmetic geometryDino LorenziniRhode IslandAmerican Mathematical Societycopyr.1996XII, 397 pill26 cmGraduate studies in mathematics900100194412001Graduate studies in mathematicsgeometria51274Teoria dei numeri (Algebrica)LORENZINI,Dino67552Sistema bibliotecario di Ateneo dell' Università di SalernoRICA990000194430203316512.74 LOR0019851BKSCI1997030620001110USA01171320020403USA011627PATRY9020040406USA011614PASSARO9020140603USA011151Invitation to arithmetic geometry78942UNISA04254nam 2200409 450 991067859680332120230513220922.094-006-0440-8(CKB)5690000000120840(NjHacI)995690000000120840(MiAaPQ)EBC30473953(Au-PeEL)EBL30473953(EXLCZ)99569000000012084020230513d2023 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEconomic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste /edited by Kelly Silva, Lisa Palmer, Teresa Cunha1st ed.Amsterdam :Leiden University Press,2023.1 online resource (326 pages)90-8728-395-4 Table of contents List of Illustrations and Tables Introduction Economic diversity in contemporary Timor-Leste (Kelly Silva, Lisa Palmer and Teresa Cunha) GLIMPSES OF THE COLONIAL ECONOMY Chapter 1 The colonial bazaar in 'Portuguese Timor': The taming of the 'savage marketers' (Lúcio Sousa) Chapter 2 Indexing social space. A marketplace in Timor-Leste (David Hicks) Chapter 3 Flirting with Ford, reverting to race? Housing, urban planning and the making of an economic and social order in Portuguese Timor in trans-colonial perspective, 1959-1963 (Alex Grainger) LOCAL ECONOMIC DYNAMICS Chapter 4 On the existence and persistence of the social category of atan in contemporary Timor-Leste (Susanna Barnes) Chapter 5 The serimónia network: Economic mobilisation through rituals in the hamlet of Faulara, Liquiçá (Alberto Fidalgo-Castro and Enrique Alonso-Población) Chapter 6 Household Decision-Making Processes and Family Resources: A Case Study from Viqueque (Josh Trindade and Ivete de Oliveira) Chapter 7 Gift economy and the acknowledgement of debt: (On) Living and eating with 'mystical' actors in Timorese houses (Renata Nogueira da Silva) Chapter 8 The work of women in Eluli and land economies in Timor-Leste (Teresa Cunha and Mina Bessa) ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS Chapter 9 Land and diet under pressure: The impacts of Suai Supply Base in Kamanasa Kingdom (Brunna Crespi) Chapter 10 The socio-cultural benefits of emerging market-based instruments for carbon in Timor-Leste (Lisa Palmer and Sue Jackson) Chapter 11 China's Engagement in Timor-Leste's Economy (Laurentina 'Mica' Barreto Soares) Chapter 12 Migrant Work and Homecoming: Experiences of Timorese seasonal workers (Ann Wigglesworth and Abel Boavida dos Santos) Chapter 13 Refashioning Fataluku Origin Houses (Andrew McWilliam) Chapter 14 The frente ekonomika (economic front). Timorese perspectives on seasonal work in Australia (Michael Rose) About the authors Index.Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste analyses various economic dynamics in past and present Timor-Leste. Comprising 14 research chapters, the volume brings to the fore: 1. local, community-based economic values and arrangements; 2. community-based entanglements with a market-driven economy; 3. the colonial and postcolonial governance praxis through which a market-driven economy has permeated the country, and 4. the creative and place-based ways through which local people have responded to these transformations. The collection challenges hegemonic, market-driven analyses which characterise Timor-Leste's economy as weak, deformed and homogenised and demonstrates the myriad of socially embedded ways through which Timor-Leste's economy is diverse, richly complex and continually brought into being. To frame the analysis of these complex economic dynamics in Timor-Leste, the collection's introduction develops the concept of economic ecologies: the assemblages of institutions and their localised and historical relationships mobilised for reproducing collective life, both in its material and immaterial aspects.Timor-LestePolitics and government959.86Cunha TeresaPalmer LisaSilva KellyNjHacINjHaclBOOK9910678596803321Economic Diversity in Contemporary Timor-Leste3079382UNINA