03669nam 2200661 a 450 991067749560332120230617030636.01-280-36554-497866103655480-470-25220-00-471-44997-00-471-72161-1(CKB)111087027113110(EBL)162751(OCoLC)475872888(SSID)ssj0000266593(PQKBManifestationID)11218389(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000266593(PQKBWorkID)10303745(PQKB)11308012(MiAaPQ)EBC162751(EXLCZ)9911108702711311020030811d2003 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrValue-based safety process[electronic resource] improving your safety culture with behavior-based safety /Terry E. McSween2nd ed.Hoboken, N.J. Wiley-Intersciencec20031 online resource (306 p.)Rev. ed. of: Values-based safety process. 1995.1-118-11327-6 0-471-22049-3 Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-282) and index.VALUES-BASED SAFETY PROCESS SECOND EDITION; CONTENTS; Foreword by E. Scott Geller; Preface; Acknowledgments; CHAPTER 1 Safety Basics; CHAPTER 2 The Vision; CHAPTER 3 Value-Based Behavioral Safety Process; CHAPTER 4 Behavioral Safety Process; CHAPTER 5 Safety Assessment; CHAPTER 6 Management Overview and Initial Workshops; CHAPTER 7 Final Design; CHAPTER 8 Step 1: Establishing Mission, Values, and Milestone Targets; CHAPTER 9 Step 2: Creating the Safety Observation Process; CHAPTER 10 Step 3: Designing Feedback and Involvement ProceduresCHAPTER 11 Step 4: Developing Recognition and Celebration PlansCHAPTER 12 Step 5: Planning Training and Kickoff Meetings; CHAPTER 13 Step 6: Conducting Management Review; CHAPTER 14 Implementing Behavioral Safety Process; CHAPTER 15 Maintaining the Behavioral Safety Process; CHAPTER 16 Some Final Suggestions on Implementation; CHAPTER 17 Special Topics: Safety Leadership; CHAPTER 18 Special Topics: Serious-Incident Prevention; CHAPTER 19 Special Topics: Self-Observation PBehavior-Based Safety, based on the work of B.F. Skinner, includes identifying critical behaviors, observing actual behaviors and providing feedback that lead to changed and improve behavior. The Values-Based Safety Process: Improving Your Safety Culture with a Behavioral Approach, Second Edition provides a concise and practical guide for implementing a behavior-based safety system within any organization.Includes two new chapters on hot topics in behavioral safety, isolated workers, and the role of leadership in supporting behavioral safety.- Updated examples of the observation checklist.- NeIndustrial safetyManagementIndustrial hygieneManagementIndustrial safetyPsychological aspectsIndustrial hygienePsychological aspectsIndustrial safetyManagement.Industrial hygieneManagement.Industrial safetyPsychological aspects.Industrial hygienePsychological aspects.363.11658.4/08McSween Terry E.1951-1340576McSween Terry E.1951-1340576MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910677495603321Value-based safety process3062588UNINA